Hi everyone! I’m new here and I’ve read all the Guardian Herd books including the trilogy. But the part where Star defeats Nightwing for good made a question appear in my mind: Did Nightwing ever regret his choices in life? Or did he keep being a Destroyer? Wouldn’t that be against the laws of The Golden Meadow or is Nightwing‘s hatred too strong for The Golden Meadow to handle? These are all questions I’m curious about and I’d love to here your opinions! Also if you leave a comment I may not respond right away because I have to do other things but I will check my phone throughout the day! >:)
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Oooo XD
Yeah what about that? Thundersky and Silverlake, who were both killed by the silver starfire, were able to get out and in the end of Windborn you could see crimson and silver lights up in the Sky, representing Morningleaf’s parents. Bumblewind was also up there, but he wasn’t killed by the silver starfire he was killed by the Interior of Anok’s giant scary wolves who kind of banged his head against a tree. But anyway, if Morningleaf’s parents could get out, then that would mean Nightwing was only in the Beyond for like two seconds, right? Of course, it is quite confusing.
Hmm... it's been a while since I read Windborn, but I think that these are really good questions. It is diffidently hard to know for certain rather or not Nightwing ended up in the Golden Meadow (hopefully this'll be something that is covered in future TGH/ROTR books if we ever get them). In my personal opinion, I don't think it really matters if a pegasus is good or bad for them to end up in the Meadow since (I could be wrong on this) the books never brought up an alternative fate. I think that, regardless, when pegasi die, they just end up in the Golden Meadow, but I can also see this potentially causing problems (i.e. long standing grudges resulting in flighting) which wouldn't be good. This leads me to think that maybe the Golden Meadow isn't just one big place, and maybe there's other areas that separates the good and bad pegasi, or at least maybe something that makes it so pegasi who don't get along never interact. I think there are a lot of possibilities here.
However, as mentioned in other comments, there's also the matter of Nightwing meeting his end with silver starfire, because as we all know, under normal circumstances, that would mean he would have been trapped in the Beyond. And if this is the case, I can think if two protentional possibilities that I think would be interesting: the first (and the one I think is the most likely) is, that he's actually stuck in the beyond since that realm seems to be tied to whatever black foal generated the silver starfire that put him there. And since of course that black foal is him, I think he would likely be doomed to be stuck there for eternity. My second theory is that since the Beyond is tied to him, maybe it wouldn't be able to hold up so presumably this would mean he is now permanently gone - wiped out of existence, or sent to the Golden Meadow, or maybe was even loosed back into Anok to roam around all ghost style which I think would be kinda interesting to read.
Hmm.... I'll think on this!
Because the truth is, is that most of them aren’t bad guys inside.
Thank you Morning >:) Whenever I hear about a bad guy I try to look at what’s inside, not what they do outside. I like to do that even to Petalcloud.
Who knows, maybe when Star eventually died he became friends with Nightwing in the Golden Meadow? Idk but mayyyyybe they got along once they realized that destroying each other wasn’t the answer?
And I think Star should forgive Nightwing like he forgave Brackentail because if he unleashes his anger about Nightwing, he could be transformed into a Destroyer.
Hey that‘s also a very good point. Nightwing was horrible, but he still deserves at least one good thing to happen to him >:)
I’m sorry I’m late! Welcome to the Message Board! You can call me Morning. That’s an interesting question. I like to believe that every pegasus, no matter how bad their actions were, deserves to be in the Golden Meadow. While he did kill many pegasi, you can see reason for what Nightwing did. (In the back of Stormbound) He still was an awful pegasus, but I’d like to think that the Golden Meadow reformed him.
But if Nightwing did go to The Golden Meadow and eventually apologized to Star, would Star necessarily forgive him? I mean I know Star’s very forgiving, but would someone even as forgiving as Star accept Nightwing the Destoyer’s apology?
That is a good way to look at it too, Riverade. :)
Yeah this is an interesting question that I’m sure a lot of people wonder about XD
I've always imagined the Beyond as one big realm, that ALL of the pegasi killed by starfire, not just by one pegasus' starfire go, so it can't be destroyed, but it can be empty, but your ideas do make sense.
I wonder if he changed his mind about Star one day......
Yeah that’s true >:)
Yeah... and if he was killed by his own starfire it means that he killed himself, so he can't be in the Beyond because if he's dead the Beyond is gone... *confuzzling thoughts runnin through my head*
I can understand your confusion though, Riverglade.
I agree with you, Storm. The Destroyer was killed, therefore the Beyond was also destroyed. Star even mentioned it after Nightwing died. Plus if Thundersky and Silverlake got out of the Beyond, why not Nightwing? That’s what happens to every pegasus who dies.
I'm actually in the process of writting a short story about what happens after he died... I honestly think though, that he went to the Golden Meadow. I think this because: He was basically killed by his own starfire. So like, maybe one second in the Beyond, and then off to the Golden Meadow he goes XD