Due to the joining of @Swiftleaf and @Lightray and the fact that this role play became a year old four days ago, I decided to create a new part!
I co-lead this role play with Snowmist (@Stormshard).
Summary of Part 1
The flash flood hit RiverClan and crippled them very badly. Several cats died, including the medicine cat, Crowleaf, and the deputy, Clovertail. Several kits were washed away in the flood. One of them has been found by SkyClan cats. Before Crowleaf died, he gave Whirlstar an onimous prophecy from StarCLan. Whirlstar has not shared this information with anyone yet. The RiverClan cats, led by Whirlstar, have made a makeshift camp and are trying to get back up on their feet.
Whirlstar held a compeition to see who would be the next deputy. Riptide, one of the canidates, sought to win by manipulating the other canidates. She murdered one of them. Though cats are suspicious of Riptide, they do not know that she is behind the murder. Riptide is one of the queens of the camp but cares little for her kit, Dreamkit.
Young Racoonpaw has a crush on the medicine cat apprentice, Shadepaw. Shadepaw may have feelings for him, too. Violetpaw, Shadepaw's sister, warns her against falling for Racoonpaw for fear of breaking the Warrior Code.
In the background, several rogues are gathering with feelings of bloodlust against the clans.
Currently, the clans are at the Gathering. Whirlstar issued a plea to the other clans for help. To show that his clan was still strong, he made young Violetpaw a warrior and Moonstream the next deputy. Shadepaw will become the next medicine cat once she goes to the Moonpool. Violetpaw did not like the warrior name Whirlstar picked for her, Violethaze, so she requested to change it. The clans were horrified, but Whirlstar eventually agreed. Whirlstar now calls upon Shadepaw.
Last Comments (at the Gathering)
”Yes,“ he said softly. “Out of all the warriors who vied for the position of deputy, you were the one that spoke the most to me. You were compassionate, kind, and only wished to serve your clanmates.”
She was very flattered. “Thank you, Whirlstar. It will be an honor to serve by your side.”
He nodded and continued to address the gathered clans. “Crowleaf, my medicine cat, sadly passed away in the flood. We will always remember Crowleaf’s name. Shadepaw will become RiverClan’s next medicine cat.”
(Happy Holidays!)
Fox dung! Have I been found out? She forced her fur to lie flat. She had to remain calm and think.
“That’s ShadowClan scent?” She asked, filling her voice with confusion. “I was wondering what that musk was.”
She studied Dreamkit curiously. She could see that this kit was chiding something, but she had no idea what it was.
She took a few moments to get her breath back as she panted and looked back at the tunnel in fright. “Y-yeah,” she said shakily. She thought that she saw a flicker of movement by the tunnel’s exit—a rat’s tail, perhaps—but saw nothing more.
“Are you okay?”
He ate a few more bites before speaking again. “There isn’t enough food to go around, sadly. It’s no wonder why the she-cat wanted to fight for a few scraps.”
(Hi peoples!)
Runningriver: He sighed. “I think Dreamkit can explain that to Whirlstar,” he said, sniffing the kit. Shadowclan sent was fresh on her pelt.
They both burst out into the light, and no rats followed. “Wow,” she said. “Ar-are you ok?”.
“It was the she-cat again.” he hissed, “But, we got the food,” he purred, picking up a piece of the red tangy meat.
“I’ll grab some herbs!” she mewed, running over to the herb log.
She swept her tail around her paws. “What about the ShadowClan scent near the border? Should we continue our search? Or perhaps question the next ThunderClan patrol about the scent?”
She looked down at her paws and brushed the dirt off them. She didn’t want to look at the members of the RiverClan patrol.
She was still stunned from Dandelionpaw’s earlier remark! This cost her precious seconds.
She ran a little bit behind Dandelionpaw, the rats in close pursuit. “Aaah!”
“Unfortunately, we did.” He pawed at the burger meat. “There was a nasty she-cat who wanted this food for herself.”
He took a hesitant bite of the Two-Leg food, then continued eating eagerly. It was good!
"Well," he said, "we better return Dreamkit back to camp, and tell Whirlstar what we found." he said looking at the herbs, there was no way she found them herself.
She turned around, "Rats!" she hissed, "Run, Orchidpaw!" she said running out the tunnel, but turned to make sure the she cat was following her.
She waited, what if he didn't come? He must just be busy, she thought.
"Yeah!" he purred, looking at the meat with red gloop.
She padded over along with Vermillion and Cinnamon roll. She looked up at Finch's face, "Did you get in a fight again?" she said, concerned for the deep scrape on Finch's face.
(No problem!)
Had that worked?!? She forced her pelt to lay flat and gave the humblest nod that she could. She half-stumbled from fear over to the rest of the patrol.
She picked up Dreamkit’s flowers and herbs. “I’ll take this back to my sister,” she explained. Her sister was Shadepaw, the current Medicine Cat. “These should be very useful.”
She felt a jolt of emotion surge up from her paw pads and settle around her heart. “Uhh…” She swallowed hard. “Yeah. I think about ShadowClan’s future.”
The rats were creeping closer…!
She took in the situation. “We should send a patrol,” she mewed after a pause. “Brookwhisper, you can lead it.”
He had a feeling that there was more to the story than that, but he decided not to comment. He helped Finch pull the bag into the camp, then pawed through the contents. He selected a few bits of meat (hamburger) covered in a mysterious red substance (ketchup).
“There’s good pickings!”
(Sorry that I haven't been on, I probably wont be on a lot till after Christmas)
He looked the kit up and down, "Hum... Well, you need to get back to camp," he flicked the kit toward the patrol.
She, laughed, "Do-do you ever think about our future?" she corrected herself, "I mean, the future?"
She needed to clear her mind, her started running into the woods, farther and farther. She suddenly stopped, the sunning rocks her empty, he wasn't there. But, she sat waited for him.
"Eh," he sighed, "It was hard, but we survived and were all fine," he lied. They trotted into the camp with the black bag, "Snow! Vermillon, we have food" he yowled
Wow it’s interesting how this MB changed. I remember when I use to get 1,000+ notifications a hour on here. How y’all are doing well and hope this place comes back alive soon))
“I was hungry.” She gave her coat a few embarrassed licks so she didn’t have to look at Runningriver. “I’m not sure what my mother was doing. She doesn’t tell me much.”
“If they wanted to protect us, I would be scared to know what we needed protecting from!” She laughed too.
A few rats were eyeing them, but she didn’t notice. The rats thought they were trespassing.
She sighed, hoping that Sunnyjay would be alright. She walked over to Hazelleaf and explained the situation to her.
That did make sense, but it was hard to admit that to himself. “Maybe my sister, Brookwhisper, could go with you?” He trusted Brook to help keep Tigerspot safe.
He dipped his head in sorrow at the mention of Finch’s parents. “Did you enjoy traveling? There are good parts of it, sometimes. I always found it cool to see the surrounding nature.”
(Its ok;)
"Why did you follow her, what did she do?" the tom asked looking at the kit. He saw the nervousness in her eyes.
"Maybe they want to protect us!" she said, laughing, knowing it wasn't true
She grumbled, "You can go tell her... " she said running toward the warrior den.
"Goodness no!!! I take you with me if the kits were older, they need their parents, or a parent." she dint want him to be mad!
"That's hard, me and Snow," he didn't mention Tigress, "We traveled, well only when our parents were alive..." He said, thinking about there father and mother.
(Its okay! No problemo. I've been really busy, too.)
She thought quickly on her paws and did her best job to look pathetic. It wasn't difficult. "I followed my mother out of camp, but then I got lost," she said miserably. "I found these flowers and herbs while trying to find my way back."
She padded over to Runningriver and Dreamkit. She wasn't sure why, but it almost seemed like the ShadowClan scent was stronger here.
For a moment, she was flustered by the close contact with Dandelionpaw. It made her forget about the bad smells for a minute.
She cleared her throat. 'I just wonder why the Two-Legs would build such disgusting places."
She was eating a small mouse from the fresh-kill pile.
"Oh! There she is." She pointed out the ThunderClan deputy.
He huffed. "So you don't want me to go with you, but you would be fine if a cat from another clan did?"
He did appreciate the topic change. "Before I met your group, I didn't really have a home, really. I would just move from place to place, looking for food and shelter." He had also looked for nice Two Legs.
She slept soundly asleep with her last kit, Finch had been so kind to take them in, but she wondered what her kit's life would be like now that they left Margret and Sheldon (Her twolegs).
He looked behind the bush, "Dreamkit!?" he said started by the kit, "What are you doing, you know kits stay in the camp!" he said, giving her the look.
"Yeah," she purred accidentally bumping into Orchidpaw. THe tunnel smelt of cobwebs and muddy puddles, she looked around the tunnel, "I can't believe the twolegs built this!" she purred, touching the musty stone walls with her paw.
She entered the camp, looking around for the deputy, "Do you see her?" she asked, scanning the camp.
" It's fine, maybe some of the cat from the other clans will come with me?" she said, trying to make it sounded more positive.
"Good, now let's go" he hissed pulling the bag with Ember. "Hey Ember," he asked, " What was your life like before you found me and the group?" he asked, knowing that he should change the subject.
(Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I'll try to be one more often:)
“…especially with all the cats wounded from the flood, too.” She was worried about her clan.
She let out a tiny breath. She doubted that she would be able to avoid notice now. She froze in place and tried to come up with a good excuse for why she smelled like ShadowClan. I can say that my mother told me to do something…but then they will get mad at her! What should I do?!?
There certainly weren’t any flowers near the Thunderpath. It smelled absolutely disgusting. She wrinkled her nose. “The tunnel is probably the safer option. It’s going to reek under there, though.“
She shrugged a shoulder. “Alright, if you are sure.” She started walking back to camp again.
“Don’t worry about me.” He moved his paw away from his chest. “It’s the same old pain. I’ll be fine.”
He quickly tried to change the topic. “I still don’t like the thought of you going on your mission alone.”
His gaze flicked to the blood on the she-cat’s face. He didn’t want blood on his claws. It wasn’t that he was scared of fighting, but he was scared of retribution. “I’ll try to help.”
"Yes, Riverclan needs as much herbs as we can get since the flood washed most away!" she said padding over to the bush, where he heard something.
She knew, but she felt stupid for not telling her, "Yes, I knew I just," she stopped to look were they were. The Thunderpath lay in front of them, "Um, do we cross the Thunderpath, or take the under-thunderpath tunnel?" she asked Orchidpaw.
"No, lets just go back to camp," she turned around and started walking, not wanting to talk to Runningriver right now.
She totally forgot about her quest! "I'll do just fine, but you don't look too well, go see the medicine cats," she purred.
He hissed, and helped Ember take the black bag, blood ran down the she-cat's face, he got her good!, " Ember, why don't you help me!?" he said to stop the tom.
( NOT an entry character!)
Pale Cat (Parsley):
She turned around realized the tom was done, that was right! NO toms touch Parsley's scraps!
She wrapped the marigold in a leaf and picked it up. “In either case, I’ll bring this back to my sister, Shadepaw, when we are done.” Shadepaw was the current medicine cat.
She crept back into the undergrowth behind the bush, shaking.
Her eyes were a pretty petal-pink shade. “I would like that!” she mrowed. “Orchids are a type of flower, too.”
“I don’t know how we could leave a good message, though.” She racked her brain for ideas.
He rubbed his chest with his paw as it was feeling sore. “I was worried about you and this mission you want to go on.”
He watched wryly as Finch and the other cat fought over the trash. He quietly crept over and began dragging a bag away.
He stopped sniffing the bush the smell of the marigold, " Shadowclan indeed..." he hissed.
"Something like, Dandelion'clan or like a flowery clan!" she said looking at Orchidpaw now relisting how pretty her eyes were.
(It's ok:)
"Ok," she sighed hoping Runningriver would be ok.
She padded over the Cometstreak, who looked worried, " Hey, is everything ok?" she asked him.
(Does Ember want to join Finch to find some two-leg scraps?)
He looked at the black bag, a hole had already been ripped in this bag, but he still took some anyway. Suddenly, a loud hiss sounded behind him, he turned to see a pale orange she cat with many scars, " This is my trash!" he hissed attacking her
(Not an important/entry character just a random cat :)
Pale cat:
"No, this is my trash you filthy tom!" she spat, kicking him off her into some other black bags.
She happened to be in the bush Runningriver was searching! She tried to remain very still, but she knew that it was a lost cause. Runningriver would likely be able to smell her.
“I found this flower.” She raised an herb up with her claw, one that Dreamkit had accidentally dropped. “It smells like ShadowClan. I believe it is marigold.”
She couldn’t help but smile at that. Her tail lightly swished the forest floor as she walked. “What would you name your clan?”
(Ah, I forgot about that! Oops.)
She sighed. “Perhaps we can leave Runningriver a message, but we need to go. We need to warn Stripestar about the rogues.”
(Tigeress! Interesting!)
He was up near the fresh-kill pile, wondering where his twin sister Brookwhisper was. She should have been back from her hunting patrol by now.
"Find anything?" he asked, sniffing around a bush.
(Ok :)
"Yeah, someday I want to start a clan maybe!" she said trying not to sound like a kit.
(Idk if you remember, but Sunny told Brook about Runnningriver)
"Yes, I still talk to him," she said looking toward the river. " But, hes so kind and funny and smart..." she said thinking of him.
She was back at camp resting with Vermillion now, and she knew her kits would be safe, but she just knew she would have to tell Tigerress (Tigerspot) somehow.
She yawned, waking up from her nap, her kits were almost apprentices so they could fend for themselves now, she padded out of the nursery scanning for anything to do.
She had to wrack her brain for a minute to figure out who that was. Runningriver was from RiverClan; she had spotted him at Gatherings.
“You are talking with a RiverClan cat?” Her fur spiked nervously as she thought of her own hidden heritage.
(Yay! This should be interesting. 🤭)
She tried to smile for her friend, but it came out looking weird. “Yeah, exploring is fun.” She couldn’t help but be jealous of Mosspaw now.
Patrol Group:
They fanned out and sniffed the nearby area. Violetsky sniffed along the river. Moonstream sniffed the undergrowth. Bubbleburst was too excited to properly taste the air.
She spotted the patrol group and tried to hide in a bush. She knew that she had ShadowClan scent on her!
She stopped, "Yes," she said turning to face Brookwhisper. "I... Runningriver hasn't talked to me in a while and, I just don't know what to do anymore!" she said.
(Sure! That fine with me!)
"Yeah, but I don't really want to be with him for the rest of my life though, I want to explore!!!" she said boldly.
"Here!" he padded over to the spot he smelt the sent earlier, but found no one around. "Look around here,"he said sniffing the area