Due to the joining of @Swiftleaf and @Lightray and the fact that this role play became a year old four days ago, I decided to create a new part!
I co-lead this role play with Snowmist (@Stormshard).
Summary of Part 1
The flash flood hit RiverClan and crippled them very badly. Several cats died, including the medicine cat, Crowleaf, and the deputy, Clovertail. Several kits were washed away in the flood. One of them has been found by SkyClan cats. Before Crowleaf died, he gave Whirlstar an onimous prophecy from StarCLan. Whirlstar has not shared this information with anyone yet. The RiverClan cats, led by Whirlstar, have made a makeshift camp and are trying to get back up on their feet.
Whirlstar held a compeition to see who would be the next deputy. Riptide, one of the canidates, sought to win by manipulating the other canidates. She murdered one of them. Though cats are suspicious of Riptide, they do not know that she is behind the murder. Riptide is one of the queens of the camp but cares little for her kit, Dreamkit.
Young Racoonpaw has a crush on the medicine cat apprentice, Shadepaw. Shadepaw may have feelings for him, too. Violetpaw, Shadepaw's sister, warns her against falling for Racoonpaw for fear of breaking the Warrior Code.
In the background, several rogues are gathering with feelings of bloodlust against the clans.
Currently, the clans are at the Gathering. Whirlstar issued a plea to the other clans for help. To show that his clan was still strong, he made young Violetpaw a warrior and Moonstream the next deputy. Shadepaw will become the next medicine cat once she goes to the Moonpool. Violetpaw did not like the warrior name Whirlstar picked for her, Violethaze, so she requested to change it. The clans were horrified, but Whirlstar eventually agreed. Whirlstar now calls upon Shadepaw.
Last Comments (at the Gathering)
”Yes,“ he said softly. “Out of all the warriors who vied for the position of deputy, you were the one that spoke the most to me. You were compassionate, kind, and only wished to serve your clanmates.”
She was very flattered. “Thank you, Whirlstar. It will be an honor to serve by your side.”
He nodded and continued to address the gathered clans. “Crowleaf, my medicine cat, sadly passed away in the flood. We will always remember Crowleaf’s name. Shadepaw will become RiverClan’s next medicine cat.”
(Happy Holidays!)
Fox dung! Have I been found out? She forced her fur to lie flat. She had to remain calm and think.
“That’s ShadowClan scent?” She asked, filling her voice with confusion. “I was wondering what that musk was.”
She studied Dreamkit curiously. She could see that this kit was chiding something, but she had no idea what it was.
She took a few moments to get her breath back as she panted and looked back at the tunnel in fright. “Y-yeah,” she said shakily. She thought that she saw a flicker of movement by the tunnel’s exit—a rat’s tail, perhaps—but saw nothing more.
“Are you okay?”
He ate a few more bites before speaking again. “There isn’t enough food to go around, sadly. It’s no wonder why the she-cat wanted to fight for a few scraps.”