Star gasped when he heard Sweetroot's words. Three foals? That was very unatural for pegasi. He didnt believe the mare's words, until he walked into the grove and saw Morningleaf, her wing laying over three foals. One was a big bay colt with a black mane and tail, two hind white socks, a thin blaze, and dark blue and golden black tipped feathers. There was a small white filly, which Star knew was a runt, with a white mane and tail, with emerald wings tipped in black. The last foal was a light dapple gray filly with a black mane and tail, four white socks, a star on her forehead, and dark purple and black feathers. Star's mouth gaped open, his eyes wide. Morningleaf nickered. With her wing she pointed to the bay colt. "I would like to name this one Thunderwind, after my sire and Bumblewind." Star nodded. Thunderwind fit him. "Thunder" for his bay color, and "wind" for his thin blaze and golden feathers. Star pointed his wing at the small white filly. "How about Lightberry for this one? After my dam and Dewberry." Morningleaf nickered in agreement. Star also thought that Lightberry fit the filly. "Light" for her white coat, and "berry" for her emerald feathers. "And last," Morningleaf said, pointing to the dapple gray filly. "Silverfrost, from my dam and Echofrost." "Silver" for her four white socks, and "frost" for her purple feathers. Star nickered. "Welcome home Thunderwind, Lightberry and-" "Silverfrost.." Morningleaf finished.
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I am with you Violetsun, but we still have to deal with it, see ya later friend!! ttyl!
@friends, I have to go..... stay healthy! Boo to COVID19
I think she has a Wattpad but I'm not sure
yeah sorta harsh, I have seen a lot of her work, even looked at her profile, she hasn't posted anything on here in a while so yeah, but she looks to be a very good writer!
Oh no.....................
Sadly, she may never do another one, Violetsun. This member has been inactive for a very long time. Although, I can contact her, but I don’t thin she’s in the mood. :/ Sorry...
I swear I will scream if you don't do another one...
Make them go on some sort of family trip or SOMETHING!
By the way guys this was my last one. I can't think of any more ideas for this series.. so I just decided to have this one be the last. (Sorry Secretspirit) but I am planning on making a different series, I just don't know when it'll be posted
I dont think i need to explain anything
Thank you!!
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!