(I will be adding more and refining it after posting) ThunderFeather

If you couldn’t read it, LightningStorm


https://www.theguardianherd.com/messageboard/herd-chat/thunderfeather-prologue-1 ThunderFeather sobs into her wings. The foal was FlameHearts brother but, unlike his older brother, he was kind and sensitive. FlameHeart incessantly bullied his younger brother, but even he was upset. He was, however, chanling it into getting her banished.
”Mother, I saw it! ThunderFeather did it! RainCloud burst into flames right after she breathed fire! I know it happened like that!” He yells.
”Stop it! Your wrong! My niece would never kill him!” StarFeather yells. Morningdew nods in agreement.
”Everyone loved RainCloud. ThunderFeather was never ecpessially close, but he was 8 months younger than she is. What reason would she have to kill him? Their few interactions were kind and they liked each other,” ShadePebble asks quietly. Everyone except FlameHeart nods in agreement.
”Shadepebble is very wise. She has almost never been wrong in her 40 some years of life. Why would she lie? She gets no benefit either way. Other than justice and truth.” FlameHeart’s father says, “The matter is closed. We are not banishing anyone until we have proof. The thoughts of one fear addled brain wont make a difference!” he adds coldly, glaring at FlameHear (Yes. I am considering making FlameHeart reform 8nto a good pegasus. This will also add depth to his character even if he goes down a dark path. Such as working with BurningFoal)
FlameHeart glares at everyone.
”I will get you for this! You humiliated me!” he seethes.
ThunderFeather turns around and trots to LightningStorm. Nobody really knew anything about her family. Her dam was dead by the time that everyone had found her, and every time she got mad, the clouds would gather around her. She said that she didn’t do it, but even as LightningStorms only friends, ThunderFeather wasn’t sure that she believed her.
”Hey, ThunderFeather. What was that about?”
”FlameHeart blames me for his brothers death. Or at least that is what he says.” ThunderFeather responds.
”Oh. Cool. That’s not what I meant. What was the fire thing about. With RainCloud burning right after you got your powers.” LightningStorm glares at ThunderFeather from the corner of her eye. That is what it feels like for your close friend to not believe you! “What!? You believe that too!?” ThunderFeather backs away, horrified.
”Well...it was suspicious...,” LightningStorm says.
”What? Like with your lightning powers!?” She says through clenched teeth. “This is how it feels! To have your friend question you!” LightningStorm yells.
”What? So this is how you act when someone realizes that something is off?! Well, you can go to the Beyond!”
”WOW!“ LightningStorm steps back, shocked and horrified. the clouds gather overhead and lightning cracks down. The heaviest rains in years drench the clearing almost instantly.
https://www.theguardianherd.com/messageboard/herd-chat/where-is-dragon Please help
what do you think of a lot of big things In the story being decided by the comment sectio? like I did here?
Yeah. I really like that one. How do I make my tablet accept the website agai? it won’t cause there were a lot of problems last night (edit: fixed it!) (edit 2: and again)
That is my fav too. It gives for a better character, in my opinio.
CA for me!
Story vote time! Does FlameHeart
A. Reform and become an important part of the story, working with ThunderFeather to kill BurningFoal
B. Stay a bully, but be completely unimportant
C. Work with BurningFoal
CA. Work with BurningFoal, but reform
AC. Reform, then go bad again and wok with BurningFoal (Vote Below!)