What is the weirdest, funniest, most unbelievable things you've either seen or heard of horses doing? Mine is, one of the ponies at the place I take riding lessons at, who's name is Ruger, has a reputation of doing the odd things to get out of being in a place he doesn't want to be. And my riding instructor told me that one time that once, while she was doing a lesson, she turned her back on Ruger for a minuet to help with another rider. The little pony managed to go over to the hitching post and get his bridle up and over his head. By the time my instructor turned around, Ruger was walking away with a very confused rider.
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HAHAHAHA!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆
hahaha! That's great!
The wierdest thing I saw a horse do was when I was going to camp, I saw my favorite horse and he was happy and tried to stick his head through the fence. he did and I petted him. He was about to get out when he was stuck. He made one of those faces when the trainer got him out.
Lol that video is so funny
The weirdest thing i have seen a horse do is this https://youtu.be/_52nwt2ETSU
Sooooo funny!!!! and no that You tuber is not me, watch the whole thing!!!!
Ha cool
Lol my sisters horse, Trigger, is absolutely crazy. After she untacks him, that horse will literally snort, start bucking like crazy, then run a marathon
There's one horse that I've ridden need Georgia, and during every lesson no matter who's on her, she does something stupid at the same corner of the arena. Sometimes she bucks and other times she just wheels around. Yesterday, I rode my trainer's mare Jean and if you try to trot her she immediately swerves towards the inside of the arena and you really have to feel her before she does it.
My trainers