About a week has passed since the portal first opened.
Leroy and Marlin are preparing to duel for control of the portal, with Forest as Leroy's second and Victoria as Marlin's.
Simona used her lifting skills from her dancing career to take Aiden to the mouth of the cave, a chance for him the view the outside world. His condition is deteriorating, but Simona is doing what she can until the others return.
Lucas, Nora, and Griffon are hiking through the woods, where the howl of a wolf has recently sounded.
Here are the random generator links for items coming through the portal:
Courtesy of @Morningmist , this image depicts Marie Taglioni, the lead dancer of the ballet La Sylphide. Alexandre Lacauchie, 1841.
The next part is up!
Ichika shrugged. “I thought you guys were going here for something important.”
SummerWind smiled. “Watering holes, and lakes on our territory.” They said simply. “Surely you land-walkers have those as well? Borders?” They asked, intriuged
Roja: Despite herself, she began to feel a bit of hope for a future in this cold range. "Where do pegasi like yourself typically get your water?"
Uriah: "Are you saying that there is some greater plan behind all this?" he asked. Personally, he thought it was all just random, and if there was a pattern, it would be within his understanding, eventually. But he doubted that God, if there was one, had a hand in this.
Leroy: He tried to fall back asleep, as there wasn't so much to listen to here.
Ichika sighed. “I know, why did we come here though? It’s good to get a parcel for FrondFeather, but was there any importance in coming here, or was it just to explore?”
Victoria: She smiled and nodded her thanks, "Thank you. This is very helpful."
Duskfrost: "Not gonna lie. I'm feeling a bit uneasy about this."
Aiden: He smiled, "That's, actually really nice." He laughed nervously, "This is called a brave face. I don't want to be alone at the end, that thought is terrifying."
Ichika held her hand out to FrondFeataher. "Maybe it's because they live somewhere else, or this must be a separate time where Pegasi didn't live?" She asked more than told.
SummerWind dipped their head. "Of course! Though the whole mountain is stable, so we don't understand why you are worried. The only trouble that will be given is rockslides and other Pegasi." They said brightly. "Freshwater, we will have to see about that."
”A cave near a supply of freshwater would be best,” he told Summerwind. “Also, somewhere stable. It wouldn’t be fun if the entire mountain came down on us.” He’d have to scout out any cave that Summerwind chose, of course. He didn’t trust them to that extent yet.
She buzzed her wings anxiously, hoping that things didn’t get so desperate as making them grounded for life. “Why are there no pegasi here?”
She looked down for a moment. “If the most I can do is stay by your side right until the very last minute, I will.” Maybe it could give him some comfort.
Uriah: "If we cover your wings, you look like any ordinary horse! Well, mostly..." Now that he thought about it, Duskfrost and Frondfeather's legs looked a little different. Not enough to draw attention, though.
Leroy: Oh, sure, the death rattle. That might scare Simona a little.
Victoria: FInally...something wasn't so bleak. At least they could agree on this.
Duskfrost: He listened to that, confused himself. Interesting...
Aiden: "I have no power of it." He said with a shrug, "Maybe I'll go peacefully...in my sleep. I've heard horror stories however that it gets really bad before you go." he bit his lip and shook his head, "I'm hoping you don't have to see that, or if you do, it isn't as bad as it sounds."
SummerWind nodded. "Of course! We will gladly lead you to one if you wish." They offered.
Roja: She turned back to SummerWind. For once, Marlin was having a good idea. "Sure, but any caves that we could live in for a while?"
Uriah: He did not understand Frondfeather's misconception. "No... there fillies, but not pegasi fillies. Horse fillies. That's why we are trying to disguise you like one."
Leroy: He did not move or speak, but he almost wanted to contradict Simona. Some of the bravest people he had ever known had gone down screaming and kicking. Bravery in the face of death was different from bravery in the process of death.
SummerWind flicked their wings, as if in a joke. “We live in Mountain Herd. Of course there is caves here.”
He was itching for Summerwind to leave, but he knew better now than to say that aloud. Besides, maybe they would be useful in the making of a shelter. “Do you know of any caves or abandoned dens in the nearby area?” he asked Summerwind.
”Are there fillies here?” she asked eagerly, misinterpreting Uriah’s meaning. Maybe if there were fillies, then there was a pegasus herd. Maybe they weren’t so far from home after all.
She tried to empathize with Aiden’s plight, but it was hard to do. “I see why you aren’t screaming or crying right now.” She shook her head in wonder. “You’ve got this courage about you. You are mourning, and yet you aren’t pleading to change fate.”
SummerWind dipped their head. “Of course. We will stay a little longer- just to make sure you will be okay.” They promised. “If you ever need anything, just let us know.”
Roja: "Ok. Thanks for the lift, SummerWind - I hope our next meeting is better than this one," she waved, then walked back to join Marlin and Victoria in building a shelter.
Uriah: "But we did find something for Duskfrost's leg! We still need to pay for it, though. And I think I know where and when we are - Colonial Philadelphia," he said, as if his company would even know what that was.
Leroy: He was glad that Aiden was reaching a kind of peace, even when he was so young and had seen comparatively little combat. Pain of the kind his friend suffered tended to age one prematurely, he thought.
Ichika sighed. “There is TWO types of ways to pay here! Ah! And sadly not yet, but we’re working on it.” She promised
Victoria: She nodded, feeling overwhelmed by this situation she seemed to be in the middle of, "That would probably be best." She looked at Roja.
Duskfrost: "You guys just walked away."
Aiden: He shrugged and looked down, "I don't know if scared is the right word. Hesitant and in denial is closer. I'm mourning what I'll never get to do or see more than what happens to me. I mean...heaven, hell, nothing? Something will happen but I have no control over that." he returned his gaze to her, "Always thought I'd actually grow up, and have a family. You know, the good stuff."
he didn't want to die, the thought made him emotional and allowed a sick feeling to settle in his stomach, but fear...no. Just pain of leaving it all behind.
He didn’t see Victoria as being a capable shot, so he was confident that he would get the gun back. “Well then, shall we try to create a shelter?”
Seeing that they weren’t alone made her feel a bit better about their situation. “Any luck with finding a way back home?” She fanned her feathers, trying to cool herself off.
”I think you have all the marks of a very good friend.” And if he somehow managed to live, she knew that she would enjoy his company. “Are you scared? About death?”
(I may or may not be on the next few days.)
Ichika smiled at the sight of the winged horses. “Oh! Thank goodness!” She beamed