First of all YES I KNOW THE TITLE IT WEIRD. But you'll understand soon, you just have to comment and I'll take a screenshot of... eh I'm not gonna give the joke away but you'll find out soon XD (YOU'LL UNDERSTOOD SOON MAH GUY)
Idk why but I just felt like making another name generator :3
You can also just come here if you need OC name ideas and stuff XD
For the FIRST part, do thee FIRST LETTER of your LAST NAME.
A. Bright
B. Bramble
C. Elegant
D. Dark
E. Flare
F. Charming
G. Sandy
H. Shred
I. Proud
J. Love
K. Content
L. Thicket
M. Moss
N. Wish
O. Shell
P. Creek
Q. Naughty
R. Bristle
S. Sky
T. Fox
U. Flick
V. Mellow
W. Owl
X. Snail
Y. Swift
Z. Dawn
For the SECOND part, do the DAY YOUR WERE BORN. (aka day of the month)
1. Golden
2. Streak
3. Seed
4. Prey
5. Rabbit
6. Hiss
7. Thaw
8. Lake
9. Vine
10. Whisper
11. Grace
12. Sea
13. Gaze
14. Gust
15. Fright
16. Bird
17. Song
18. Flower
19. Ice
20. Flow
21. Stream
22. Curl
23. Snow
24. Hop
25. Blossom
26. Ember
27. Reef
28. Spiral
29. Berry
30. Night
31. Jump
Yea. Idk, I was just bored so yeah. Also, I got the "joke" idea after getting a notification about something. Idk if its funny or not. Anyway, because this was a random post and it needed to have at LEAST something in it, I decided to make another name generator. However, its pretty lame but eh deal with it XD
I'm Mellowreef XDDDD (it doesn't really fit me. but I guess in some ways it does. but in some other ways it doesn't)
Eh :)
XDDDDDDD I got Brightgrace!!!! I like it!!
I feel like I'm something pretty being hunted....
Those names are AWESOME btw XD
Ya'll commented on a post that is awesome and was made by a weird herd mate :)
I got Thicketgaze!