Honeyfall: "Hi folks, and welcome to the..."
Crowd: "TGH Haiku Challenge!"
Honeyfall: "So if you don't know what I haiku is, let me explain: A haiku is a type of Japanese poem, but instead of it having to make it rhyme, it's three lines long, the first and last lines are 5 syllables and the middle line is 7 syllables. Snowfrost will give you guys a few examples."
*Snowfrost steps on stage and clears throat*
Snowfrost: "I would have written these myself, but I don't have hands, so I had Dragon google some:
Haikus are easy
But sometime they don't make sense
Pine boughs whispering
Blanket of snow filters in
Softer then a kiss
Cold December night
Moon and stars pave the sky in
Pale pearl and diamonds."
Honeyfall: "Thank you Snowfrost, now get off the stage please."
Snowfrost: "Okay."
Honeyfall: "I think that covers most of it."
1. your work has to be original
2. I will assign the character you make the haiku about, by random
3. no complaining or switching characters that are assigned
4. all entries must be in by 8:00pm on 10/31/2017, or will be disqualified no exceptions
Oh ok
Ok, but it may take awhile before I can assign you a character
I’ll join!!!
Aww 😊 Thanks
Yeah Wispiflower
Contest ends 10/31/2017, I'll announce prizes some time after that
also what's the prize?
when do we find out who wins?
I really like that Wispi!
wispi the second line of yours is nine syllables
Nice Jess! (Do you mind if I call you that?)
This is Twistwing's
Strong, mighty, and powerful
Steeds shriek in terror
Here is Frostfire, I actually did better than I thought I would!
Misunderstood soul
Feathers shine but heart is dark
But there might be hope
(Is it ok that the "of darkness" was on a different line?)
And thanks Dragon!
Not for the competition, but if anyone wants another example of a haiku, here's one my friend wrote:
The moon is a lamp
That shines in the midnight air
Reflecting the Sun.
Okay, here's my haiku about Maplecloud:
Big teeth, dirty wings.
Not attractive, quite ugly.
This is Maplecloud.
Flamefrost you can do either or both, whitch ever works bes, and yes that would be Maplecloud