Honeyfall: "Colts and fillies, I present you with the entries for the TGH Character Drawing Challenge!:

Mossberry, by Autumnsky

Sweetroot, by CassTucker1

Clawfire, by Rainfeather

Jetfire, by Wispiflower

Summerwind, by Love These Cats

Flamesky, by Aqua Riptide
Honeyfall: "And the third place goes to... Autumnsky! Autumnsky your prize is a kawaii drawing of either a pet or other animal!"
Honeyfall: "Second place goes to... Love These Cats! Cats your prize is a kawaii drawing of any Pegasus you chose!"
Honeyfall: "And last but not even close to least, CassTucker1, you have won the grand prize, you get to pick three animals to be drawn as a kawaii animals!"
Aww thanks guys ๐
Yup! It's pretty good!!
Well did you see her picture?
It's fine because CASSIE ACTUALLY WON!!!!!
Yeah, sorry but that๐
Just a little sad I didn't win, but who cares when you won Cassie!!!!
Nice job everyone!!!!
(She is based off my cat, Noodle)
YAY I GOT 2nd!!!!
Could you draw Amberstone? She is a dapple buckskin with a front white sock and darker patches on her face and her back. She has orange -yellow feathers.
Drawn by Aqua Riptide
-screams in joy-
Congrats everyone!!!!!!!!!!
I think I'll have a kawaii Lightfeather, Shadepebble, and can you make my horse Tucker a kawaii Pegasus? Just make him white with a black mane and tail with navy blue wings :)
woohoo! Great job, guys!
Congrats guys!