Honeyfall: "Hello, and as promised we have another drawing challenge!"
Crowd: "Yay!"
Honeyfall: "Dragon and I have been talking and we both think it would make this challenge more interesting if as many people as possible participated (yes, that includes Echomoon)."
Crowd: "Yay!"
Honeyfall: "This challenge is to draw TGH book characters who's name Dragon will pull out of the challenge beg, and not all of them will be major characters some will be in the books only by mention."
1. No complaining about the character you get
2. You can chose what drawing style your character is in
3. Only draw the one character you are assigned, you can draw backgrounds and stuff like that, but no more than one Pegasus per picture
4. No switching characters
5. You can't use existing drawings or sketches
6. You can sign up at any point between now and 8:00pm (AK time) on 9/13/2017
7. All entries must be submitted by 8:00pm (AK time) on 9/15/2017 or will be disqualified
will be determined later
*example by me*

It's okay. I might not participate in that one though, i'm not the best at drawing dogs
Sorry Clawberry, this challenge ended last night. But you can participate in my Pegapuppy challenge
Come on Dragon, I bet she'd do great!
Can i still participate , i saw this post really late? PLEASE????????????????
Honeyfall: "Looks like Aqua Riptide got her entry in with seconds to spare, and if Dragon isn't to sleepy..."
Dragon: "You'd be tired to if you were hauling equipment around all day."
Honeyfall: "Well I guess Dragon should have the winners and prizes listed soon!"
And ignore that red speck bellow her wing I for got to erase is I just wanted to get done in time
I didn't have time to do a background or shade as much as a would have liked
I hope I'm not too late! It's supposed to be 7:52 rn.
Can I use a reference for drawing Flamesky?
Ok! I'll get right on it
Got it! C;
Honeyfall: "Just a little reminder to everyone, you can no longer sign up for the contest, and all those who are entered already you must have your entries in by 8:00pm AK tomorrow night."
Awww, thanks! 😊
Awww. Thx Wispiflower. Your drawing looks awesome!
Here's Jetfire btw!
If you do you'll win!
Can I join?
Ooh! That's a good one! I'll get right on it!
Honeyfall: "Wispiflower, you are challenged to draw... Jetfire!"