As Starbrook was trotting to go find Starfrost she got stopped by Morningleaf, Shadepebble, Star, and Brakentail. "Uh hi guys! I was just going to find Starfrost..." She said awkwardly as the group stared at her. "WHAT?!?!? Why are all looking at me like that?" She snapped. "Man, you sound like her!" Morningleaf said. "And she looks like him!" Brakentail said. The other three then turned and glared at Brakentail. "Sorry..." he whispered. "We need to talk to you..." Star said. "Its important." Shadepebble added. "Okay..." She said and followed them to a large tree. "So we have some news..." Morningleaf said and turned to Brakentail. "You tell her!" She said and he turned to Shadepebble. "No! You tell her!" He said and she turned to Star. " I guess you telling her!" she said. Star sighed. "Why do I have to tell her?!?!" He questioned. "Cause none of us want to tell her!" Morningleaf said sharply. "Fine! I'll tell her..." He said with a sigh. "Plus you were his best friend he would want you to tell her..." Shadepebble assured him. "Bumblewind!" Starbrook yelled. "What does he have to do with this?!?!" She asked. Star took a deep breath. "Starbrook.... Dewberry isn't your sister... She is your dam... and Bumblewind is your sire...." He said. "WHAT?!?!?" Starbrook yelled and with that she fell to the ground.
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I honestly don't know how she was born before she left.... OH YES I DO!! Dewberry became Bumblewind's mate waaaay before he died! And Starbrook was born in the wolves den....
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm just thinking.. did Dewberry become mates with Bumblewind before he died? Is that how Dewberry had Starbrook? But how did she have her before she left..?
I'm like still in shock! And i had been planning this chapter since chapter one! xD
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay! this by far was my favorite chapter!