Wispiflower: I am so glad to have brought this back. Today our guest will be.. -drum roal- Nightmist! Nightmist, ask away! And feel free to invite a friend!
Wispiflower: Okay. Nightwing, GET IN HERE!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I SAID WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON’T!!!!
Nightwing: -narrows eyes and trudges in- What do you want power-stealer?
Wispiflower: I only took your powers so you cannot use them! But that’s another story. These two want to ask you why you decided to become evil.
Nightwing: -growls- -sighs- How I became evil? Uhhh... I don’t FEEL like telling that story today.
Wispiflower: Nightmist And Flare want to know. You WILL tell them.
Nightwing: -growls- Whyyyy?
Wispiflower: Because I’ve got you’re powers and you can’t kill anyone so we can kill you if we want to with your powers that I’ve got in a spray bottle. -holds up the spray bottle filled with starfire-
Nightwing: OKAY, fine. I became evil becauseeee.... -whines- Do I have to?
Flare: -nods-
(I’ll post a link with the answer on it, okay?)
(What is the mare chat??)
(Sorry I had to have dinner!)
Wispiflower: Okay. Nightwing, GET IN HERE!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I SAID WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON’T!!!!
Nightwing: -narrows eyes and trudges in- What do you want power-stealer?
Wispiflower: I only took your powers so you cannot use them! But that’s another story. These two want to ask you why you decided to become evil.
Nightwing: -growls- -sighs- How I became evil? Uhhh... I don’t FEEL like telling that story today.
Wispiflower: Nightmist And Flare want to know. You WILL tell them.
Nightwing: -growls- Whyyyy?
Wispiflower: Because I’ve got you’re powers and you can’t kill anyone so we can kill you if we want to with your powers that I’ve got in a spray bottle. -holds up the spray bottle filled with starfire-
Nightwing: OKAY, fine. I became evil becauseeee.... -whines- Do I have to?
Wispiflower: Nightmist, do you think he has to?
( Hello? )
Nightmist: ok - brings in Flare- this be my guest because he has a LOT of questions. . . . .
Flare: yep . . . . .
Nightmist: anywho . . . my question is . . . . . . . why Nightwing decided to be evil~!!!!!!!