When the group got back to the herd they all went their separate ways. Star followed Morningleaf and when they stopped to graze he asked her this: "Do you think to get away from the herd was the real reason Clawfire went with us?" "Okay Star! I'm going to let you in on a secret that Shadepebble told not to tell anyone so don't say a peep okay?" She whispered. "Okay..." He said. "So, she told me the other day that last week Clawfire asked her to be mates and she said yes... DON'T TELL ANYONE WHAT I JUST TOLD YOU!!!!" She said. "Ohhhh! Okay I promise I won't tell anyone!" Star assured her. "Good..." She said and went back to grazing. Shadepebble walked over to where the two were grazing. "Did you tell him?" She questioned. "Maybe..." Morningleaf replied. Shadepebble sighed. They all knew, even if she wanted to, Morningleaf just couldn't lie! It just wasn't who she was! "Well... I knew if I told you eventually Star would find out. So I guess its not that bad.." Shadepebble assured Morningleaf who looked guilty. "Good! So your not mad?" Morningleaf asked. "Nah.." Shadepebble said. "Okay...I'm glad you guys are on good terms... I'm just gonna go over here with Brakentail..." Star said awkwardly making the two mares laugh as he slowly backed away.
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I have some bad news! I might not continue this series! Go check out my new one! I think you might like it a little better!
Aww! Thanks! I just love to write!
p.s. This is emilyfox624, I changed my profile name and picture.
How are you so talented?!!!!! I love it!!!!!
I was just kidding lol
Sorry! Im working! My freind texted me and we got into a convo! Srry i'll type fast!
Hurry! I'm excited! :D
Ok! My mom decided to drag me out to the mall to go look at shoes for school! So i just got back and hopefully something comes to me for the next chapt- AH HAH! Sorry just had genius idea for next chapter! I will get to work before I forget it!
Aww! Thanks!
This was really good! I actually REALLY like it...
Okay guys Chpt. 2 is finally here! I'm so sorry that its short but I kinda ran out of ideas for that chapter! xD So hope you enjoy! I'm most likely gonna do another one soon (like maybe a few min.)! But let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions!