So a while back we had an Song for your own OC, and also a "Guess the actor for someone else's character" So I thought I would make a mixture of the two.
So you are putting down what you think someone else's OC's like theme song would be... it can be that character from a certain RP or just the character in general. I thought this would be simpler and fun because you could listen to what the song someone gave for your OC and see if the one you put works better or if the one they put is better.... so there is a few rules:
It HAS to be someone else's OC it can not be your own
Please state the OC and who's it is just so the creator of that OC knows that it is theirs
Have fun!! That's the main part of this!
Now I gotta go for the rest of the day, try not to RP to far ahead of me guys!! Hope you enjoy this, talk either later tonight or tomorrow!!
For Cinder's OC Cinderfrost from Wanted herd
"How far I'll go" From Moana..... Idk why it just sounds like her to me!! XD
For @Skysun , I could imagine the song “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten. I imagine that it would be Skysun plotting revenge on Jungle Herd, where she is captured.
For @Riverglade 's OC, Riverglade, I think....Speechless by Naiomi Scott!!
I don’t really have many ideas for mine or anyone else’s. ☹️
hmmmm -gears in head turn- I MAY OR MAY NOT have some ideas heheee
Oooohhh....this should be FUN!! :)