So I wasn't sure if I should tell you guys this but I desided to so here goes. I'm getting a wheelchair. My doctor just ordered it for me. I don't know if this is embarecing but I know it will help me a lot because I can barely walk anymore so this is going to be good for me. I wanted to ask for some pegasus name suggestions for it. (Yes I'm naming my wheelchair)
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Spinningmoon, maybe? Or, Moonspinner, like from the movie the Moon-Spinners!!! I luv that movie <3
No Windfeather! You shouldn’t be embarrassed about something like that! I hope you feel better soon and aren’t in so much pain!
Moonrider, Windrider, Nightspark, Breezefeather, Moonbreeze, Swiftcloud, Swiftwind? Idk naming a wheelchair is hard XDD
When I get the wheelchair I'll try to take a picture and post it so you guys will know what it looks like. I like the names, Nighthope, Sandwind and Windwalker. Thanks for all your ideas
Don't be embarrassed about getting wheelchair. If you've gotten to the point that you need it for mobility, there is absolutely ZERO reason to feel embarrassed about it.
I think naming your wheelchair after a pegasus is an awesome idea! Maybe Darkfeather? Moonsky? Nighthope? (I'm going off the assumption that the wheelchair is black/darker color)
You totally don't need to be embarrassed! When you think about it, wheelchairs can be really cool. You could decorate it with bumper stickers. And for name suggestions, what about Skycloud or Sandwind?
of course it' not embarrassing!! I'm so sorry you need a wheelchair in the first place
:( Have I missed something? What happened to make you need a wheelchair?! Dude, that sucks!!! :( Will you be able to walk again?!