I was thinking of whats going to happen next so this RP comes along LOL
Okay rules
1. You can have 4 character(s)
2. the character can be human or pegasus
3. no superpowers
4. all pegasi have to be 2 years above except if your a filly waiting for a rider
5. all human have to be riders and 12 years above
6. anyone who has not read the book may not join
7. you can join after you read the book
8. pegasi can be either wild or tame
9. if you are a pegasi team up with rider and vice versa
10. HAVE FUN! :D
oh and also wild pegasi have to have two names :) wild and tame names
this one is mine Riah ill write descript below

Name(s): Riah
Age: yearling
Type: tame pegasus
Family: Sire: Reja, Dam: Hurra, Dead sisters: Dreana, Sanrih, and Morink
Friends: Draien, Kora, Freig
Personality: smart, fierce, brave, fast, strong, lithe, agile, and powerful wings
Crush: none
Mate: none
Herd/Clan: 5th clan
Wing Color: soft fluffy emerald feathers with golden amber edging
Descript: sleek light silvery strawberry roan with darker red going up neck and legs, white teardrop marking, two white hind stockings, black muzzle, reddish coppery mane and tail, and soft brown eyes
XDD Awesome! :D
Name: Hureya
Age: 2
Eyes: Golden
Coat: Dark blue at top and fades into light blue at the bottom
Mane & Tail: Brown at the top that fades to fiery auburn at the bottom
Wings: Golden feathers dipped in emerald
Markings: Dark points on muzzle and legs, golden blaze
Extras: Has her own golden feather clipped to her mane
(Unimportant note: Doesn't trust any other SandWen except Ori, and is wild and aggressive to anyone else other than Ori who tries to... IDK DO SOMETHING WITH HER LIKE FLY HER/MOUNT HER ETC)
Name: Ori Raindancer
Age: 12
Clan: 5th
Hair: Long black hair that comes just below the shoulders
Eyes: Blue
Rank: Currently training to be in the SkyGuard, and Hureya is her Flyer
Extras: Has a bracelet on her right wrist decorated with Hureya's golden feathers
Personality: Sassy, adventurous (sorry if incorrectly spelt xD), witty, close to her sister who is in the SkyGuard
Dad & Mum: Unknown
Siblings: One sister called Sequin (age 15, in SkyGuard, owns a bay Kihlari with white tipped dark brown wings called Zhilo)
OOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!
Name(s): Pharoah
Age: 10
Gender: Stallion
Type: Tame pegasus
Family: Unknown
Friends: Kinzoh
Personality: snooty, stubborn, always on Helen's side
Crush: none
Mate: none
Herd/Clan: 5th clan
Wing Color: Dark grey tipped in black
Descript: Blue roan stallion, amber eyes, wide blaze and one front right sock, one back left sock
Picture: (except with markings)
Name(s): Helen
Age: 18
Type: Skyguard
Family: Unknown
Friends: Maiya, Charlotte
Personality: Slick, Sassy, Rude, Rich, Witty
Crush: None currently
Spouse: None currently
Herd/Clan: 5th clan
Description: Girl with honey blonde hair, light brown eyes, always in a braid
Note: Has Kihlari
Name: Philip
Age/Rank: 15 and is a part of the Skyguard.
Clan: 5th
Friends: William and any of the Skyguard members
Personality: Creative, Adventurous, kind, soft, fierce, protective, and loves Wildlife.
Family: He has a brother named Madeen who is deaceased and a sister who was taken away to another clan.
Crush: Tormalina and Maiya
Spouse: NOPE
Description: 5.9 feet tall and has curly dark brown hair with big bright eyes.
Name: Maiya Yellowsun
Age/Rank: 14 and is a stablehand at the Khilari barn
Friends: Everyone
Enemies: Meh
Personality: Calm, cool, quiet, secretive, loving, shy, faithful, trustful,
Clan: 5th clan
Family: She has a father and a mother
Crush: Omari Skyhope
Description: 4.8 in height. Sad looking girl with pale white skin and pitch black and greasy hair. She has big brown eyes though ;)
Oh oops. I'll change that then.
....Warrior Kihlari don't breed like Rizah said. to them its an insult it sounded like
Yes, but why would that matter? Ilan isn't mean, Harak is
yahbut if the sire is Ilan isnt that whatever person green eyed riders steed? lol (Harak?)