Hey! i can't believ dis is the third one!!! :O!!! anyways, I also have another RP going on but i have decided to cancel it and make a new one coming out :D!
age: 50
friends: Springsong, Aspentail, Khallo, Tormalina.

white wings edged in frosty blue.
( Is thing ever coming back..? )
Maiya sighed heavily in relief and coughed a tiny bit. She walked up into the loft, gathered her art supplies, and lay on the hay and began doing a sketch.
Glen gave up. "Whatever." he said, walking into Khallo's stall and brushing him off
Maiya rolled her eyes. "No reason too. I've got it covered," She said.
Glen huffed. He was getting annoyed with argueing with Mayia. "Fine. Don't go to the Bora's." he said, but grumbled to himself. "I'm still going to watch you." he grumbled silently and gave Khallo and apple
( Dawnfeather.....? )
Maiya glared at him. "Then clearly haven't met me yet. This is the exact same shade that was on me when I was born. I haven't changed accept my black hair got darker.....and longer," She murmured.
Glen: "But, your never this pale."
A deep growl rumbled in the pit of her throat but she held it in. "I'm always pale. If you ever saw a vampire and then saw me, you would think the vampire is the human and that I'm the vampire," She said, trying to lighten the mood, but still being serious.
Glen: -he looked at her up and down- "Mayia, you're more pale than usual, you look weak and tired, and whenever you talk your voice sounds raspy, I don't think your fine." he said, patting Khallo's neck
Maiya narrowed her eyes to slits and she bit her lip. She closed her eyes and took in a jagged breath. "I agree with Glen," She heard Philip say. She cringed at the thought of going t see a Bora and shook her head and opened her eyes. "I'm not going to some Bora you guys. I'm fine," She exasperated the word fine to sound acidly.
Glen: he folded his arms in front of his body- "I still think we should get you to the Bora." he said, ready to hop on Khallo and take her there
Maiya let Khallo stand so close. She couldn't stop her friends from worrying about her. She sighed and looked around the stables at everyone discussing the possibilities of what was wrong with her.
( Okay XD SO SORRY. SO SO SO SOS SO SO SO VERY SORRY. Typos........ And, Dawnfeather, yeah could you make part four? )
(lol XD)
(HOLY CRIMENY!!! that took an hour to catch up. Plz make part four)
Khallo closed his mouth, but stayed close to her to where his shoulder was bumping against hers.
Maiya pat his head and bit her lip. "Shhh! I know Khallo, Just keep quiet..!" She whispered angrily. It was the first time when she had got annoyed or angry with Khallo. She instantly felt guilty and hated every reacting that way.
Khallo looked at her and sniffed her. "Mayia, you're really warm....." he told her, nuzzling her forehead
Maiya coughed into her sleeve again and swallowed. "I think I'm fine. I should be at least," SHe rasped. SHe stood tall and breathed heavily. Even though her throat felt like stone, she wouldn't tell anyone that.