Hey! im also doing another RP soon, -wink, wink-! hehehh lets start dis of! :P!

(this is my character O.C, Kalaora (Cal-ae-or-ra), it means Little Lioness. Her wings are bright aqua edged in gold, giant star, silver dappled, and everything else is just perfect. she is ferocious, honorable, courageous, smart, bold, proud, and a really good flier or fancy flier that can do a lot of tricks.)

(this is Salina Dawnrider. strawberry blond hair, vibrant dark blue eyes, loves wearing green and white,really ewants a pegasus, orphaned, flippantly, bold, upstander, courageous, honorable, loves to share, and brave. always wears a silver chain necklace pegasus and actual emerald green wings)
Rainfeather's last comment: Charlotte: -she gave the harshest look she could do (wasn't harsh at all ;-;) at the person who roped the thrashing Kihlari and loosened the rope- Fly boy, fly to your herd.
( I saw the new part )
(Sure, but dawnfeather, please make part 3 soon)
( Is this unpaused yet? )
( Hehe )
( glitchy ;-; )
( hehehehehe )
( hehe )
Tormalina joined the sky guard! Tuni said. Tormalina was practicing in the arena.
(oh lord what the heck happened to get Flamefrost ticked ish?)
(awwh bai D:)
( I'll go now then..... gtg )
( Woops..... Sorry.... Maybe I shouldn't be on tommorow... )
(gtg to bed)
(okay XD)
(SERIOUSLY??) (Okay, this RP is officially paused. This is ridiculous.)