okee okee lets start this off! :D :D :D
(funny thing for today)

Springsong (Rain)
Chaomile (Dawn)
Charlotte Windrunner (Rain)
Reyena Stormrunner (Dawn)
Aspentail (River)
Glen Sunclimber (River)
Tora Stargrazer (Night)
Cedarpond (Night)
William Wingdust (Rain)
Kinzoh (Rain)
Dragonsong (Dawn)
Faleena (River)
Tormalina Morningdale (Dawn)
Zanareth (Rain)
Arenathe (Night)
Dareth (Night)
Omari Skyhope (Flame)
Rainflame (Flame)
Katamiuta (Dawn)
( back )
(ok posted)
(im posting #2!)
Charlotte: -she gave the harshest look she could do (wasn't harsh at all ;-;) at the person who roped the thrashing Kihlari and loosened the rope- Fly boy, fly to your herd.
( Bai..... Oof,,,,,, )
(ahhh gtg cya!)
( oof )
Tora turned to Tormalina and Chaomile flying over to the scene. Tora clicked her tounge to Anarethe who twisted her ears and moved a little lower.
Tormalina: -flys Chaomile over- whats happening?
Chaomile: -shrugs- i dont know
Cedarpond looked down and saw what was happening with Apspentail. She whinnied and she landed beside him and lashed at the rope that wouldn't cut. "Let Rainflame go!!!!" She screamed.
Tora saw what was happening also and called down to William. "Tamala escaped and there are two new Khilari!" She screeched. She hovered over them waiting for the moment to land.
( Omg WE HTI 1,000 COMMENTS!!!!!! EEEEEIIIIYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
(i need to catch up AGAIN!, lOL XD!)
Springsong: -nods- I'd have to agree with him.. the landwalkers have enough Kihlari, why capture the last wildlings left..?
Khallo: "Come with our riders. They will not hurt you."
Aspentail: -whirled around to face Khallo- "I am going with no one."
Khallo: -stood taller and more protectively-
Aspenatil: -Both were equally muscular, but Aspentail was a litttle taller than Khallo.- "Like I said, let my friend go, and we can go our seperate ways. Make this easy. Just, Let. Him. Go." he said, both to Omari and Khallo
Aspentail dipped his head and tried to bite the rope with his equally sharp teeth. He pulled the rope and sawed his teeth together, but the rope wouldn't cut. "Ugh! This is torture! Let go of my friend, and we can go our seperate ways. No bloodshed. Just, let him go." he said to Omari, not caring if he could understand him or not
Charlotte: -she cringed at all the sharp whinnies she understood-
Springsong: I'm trying to save this pegasus Aspentail, and I'm waiting for the chance to escape. LET HIM GO PITIFUL LANDWALKER! -she reared a Tatuma(forgot the name XD)- Your hurting your own kind!
Aspentail was watching the mare's interact with the humans and behind him he heard a pegasi. "No. Not one pegasi...3 of them!" he said to himself, darting toward the sound. He saw Rainflame, grounded by a rope tied to his neck. "Rainflame!" he said, landing. He stood over the stallion. "What have they done to you?" He whinnied harshly. He followed the rope with his eyes to a tall boy holding the rope in his hands. "What are you doing?!!! Who are you!?? Let him go!!!!" he shrieked at Omari, flaring his wings.
Glen saw the new stallion towering over the downed one. "Easy boy. We don't want to hurt you."
Aspentail: -he only heard, "-=-2-w-1-1`$#!" coming from the boy who rode an apollossa stallion. "Why do you enjoy those Landwalkers on your backs!? Rear!! Buck!! Save yourselves from the clutches of those two-legs!!" he screamed
Khallo: "But, why? They give us food and treat us well."
Aspentail: "They strap those big, heavy, things to your back! And put that metal rod inside your mouth! That is abuse!" he again, screamed. He looked at the rope holding Rainflame. He reared and tried to cut the large rope with his sharpened hooves, but the rope was intact. He reared and came down on the rope once more, but it barely ripped. "What kind of magic is this?" he balked.