Brackentail trotted to the herd freezing from the cold winds. The small amount of pegasi in a herd reminded him of river herd. A once small herd, now the biggest in Anok. "You look cold." Riversun said, her neck arched with pride. Brackentail lowered his head. "How are you planning to steal morningleaf's foal?" Riversun locked her eyes with his "Are you still on there side?" "Of course not." Though deep inside. He felt like the same pegasus as a foal. He already betrayed his herd once and he is doing it again. Maybe he didn't change. Brackentail shut his eyes. How could Morningleaf betray me like this? After all we been through, I even saved her life, she chose star... Brackentail sighed. No, it wasn't Morningleaf's fault it was his. With all his heart he wished he could take it back but what if he did? Things between Morningleaf and him would never be the same. Brackentail sighed. Riversun sensed his mood and softened. "You did the right thing." "How? What mistake did Morningleaf do to choose someone different." Riversun shut her mouth, lowered her head and said, "Your right." She flew away from Brackentail leaving him alone. He collapsed and dissolved into fresh sobs. This was worst than what Frostfire did to him. Knowing again that he hasn't changed, crushed him to the core, he had to atleast help the "good" side. Suddenly he had an idea.
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#ReverseRepeat. :3
To be honest, I could see Brackentail and Riversun together. Yeah, they are 2 years apart, but that's not bad at all.
Things between him and Morningleaf could never be the same. Repeating Lines XD
That's ok. I haven't had much going on, so all I've been doing is keeping Guardian Herd notifications under control.
Right now. Sorry, been busy.
When are you posting the next Risen? No pressure . I'm not being sarcastic by the way.
I definitely don't hate you! You need a few different points of view. And don't think because I said that that I like Brackentail.
I was kinda questioning this, but as long as he and Morningleaf aren't mates I'm good!
And this is a good story, and we won't hate you!
Jeeze. This was so hard to write. As much as I hate brackentail I have to make my stories logic to. Not based on opinion. So I wrote something in Brackentail's point of view. You guys are gonna hate me for this. ;-; Anyway next episode would be about Moonheart. But this is just a sneak peak to episode 10. :3 Stay tooned. Oh jeeze I gotta lay down.