I CANT CONTAIN MYSELF YOU GUYS!! are you as excited as me? please tell me because idk who else is excited XD. I am slightly sad though, because Star and the others wont be in the new trilogy, AAAAND Echofrost wont have Bumblwind T.T...AAAAAAND They have NO idea WHO won in the final battle. I better get my Echowind in this book 😂.
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Thank you!! I can't wait for the giveaway!
Hi everyone!
Happy Birthday to ROTR! About those ARC's, well my publisher gave a lot of them away but I did not. The ARC doesn't contain the info about Bumblewind and I was still making changes to the book after it was printed. Usually my ARC's are very close to the finished product, but this ARC had to be printed so fast that it includes more typos than I like etc. So I just wasn't comfortable giving it away!
However, in about a month, I'm going to be giving away ALL my ARC's--from the Guardian Herd and ROTR. Details to come, probably in late May or June.
And remember, if you can't afford a book--ask your local library to order it if they don't have it. They love to receive customer requests!
Thank you all for your amazing support! Love, Jennifer
That’s so cool Nightmist! I wish I could have gotten a ARC🤣
I think only me but meh. And yeah I won the Advanced Readers Copy ( ARC for short :) ) And then I jumped STRAIGHT INTO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, some people have already read it? Cool!!
Read. I think NIghtmist won a copy in a giveaway
Yes you do ;-; Sadly I am not AS excited because I have already read but i'm excited for the Bumblewind secret infromation!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I need to calm down
Awe! I’m sorry to hear! :,( I’m sure Jennifer will have another giveaway soon :).
I'm soooo excited! I wish I could read it as soon as it came out! Sadly, I can't afford to buy it :( I'll have to wait and see if she does a subscriber-only giveaway :'(