DISCLAIMER!!! These are only my OPINIONS and are in NO WAY meant to make you feel bad if you like the content I speak of down below! Everyone can have their own opinions, likes, and dislikes! And I by NO MEANS want to make you feel bad for having an opinion different than mine!!!))
So...the Sequel Trilogy of Star Wars is a...kinda controversial topic! So I wanted to hear YOUR thoughts on the matter!! The Sequel Trilogy, do you like it or no??
For ME, there were some...problems...but I don't think they're TERRIBLE. Some things I didn't quite enjoy are... (BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHUR! SPOILERS AHEAD FOR 'The Force Awakens', 'The Last Jedi', and 'The Rise of Skywalker'!!!)
How quick Rey seemed to master the force in 'The Force Awakens'. I mean...HOW was Rey able to use a Jedi Mind Trick SO EASILY!? I mean, it takes others WEEKS to master that skill! (*Cough* Ezra *Cough*). She BEAT Kylo Ren, a Jedi who was TRAINED BY THE LUKE SKYWALKER in her FIRST lightsaber duel! Like, WHAT!? What would've been MORE realistic is if she was forced to RUN AWAY!! General Grievous style! XD
WHAT WAS WITH THAT ENDING IN THE RISE OF SKYWALKER!? Like WHAT!? Kylo Ren died...JUST LIKE THAT!? What they should've done is EITHER make Rey die (Kylo Ren *Ben Solo at the time* would then take up the mantle of reinstating the Jedi Order.) OR NONE OF THEM SHOULD'VE DIED!! They could've BOTH remade the Jedi Order AND lived happily ever after!
PALPATINE IS BACK!? Like, WHAT IN ANOK!? No, just NO! Nononononononononono! I don't see how Palpatine surviving would even be POSSIBLE! I mean, did you SEE the explosion after Vader threw him down the REACTOR SHAFT!? (*Side note...WHY would you have a reactor shaft IN your throne room? That's just ASKING for someone to throw you down it...XD)
I...don't remember Rey having much character development...if at ALL, XD Is that just me? Or is she more a static character? I think the most character development she gets is...finding out she's a Palpatine...WHICH gets me into point 5!
WHY is Rey a PALPATINE!? While I DO kinda like the Romeo and Juliet type thing they may have been going with here...but WHY!? It made no sense for Rey to be a granddaughter of Palpatine. What MAY have made more sense was if she was a granddaughter of KENOBI! Unlike Palpatine who had NO romantic interest, (CLONE WARS SPOILER), Obi-Wan Kenobi DID, SATINE! IF Disney WANTED to make her related to a fan favorite character, they could have VERY EASILY used Obi-Wan Kenobi! And doing so would've drawn more parallels between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi!
That's it for my little rant...XDDDDD Let me know your thoughts on the Sequel Trilogy, and if I maybe changed your mind on some aspects! ALSO what is your favorite Star Wars Trilogy? The Original Trilogy? The Prequel Trilogy? Or the Sequel Trilogy? For me, it would have to be The Prequel Trilogy!! Also, if you want me to do something like this and give my thoughts on some other movies, shows, or books, let me know! I'm open to doing more things like this!!
Your Fellow Herd Member, Skysun
Okay, my opinion?
I hate the sequels.
So much.
For many reasons.
PALPATINE?! WHAT THE HECK?! My BIGGEST problem with the sequels is this. If he is back that renders the Chosen One prophecy null and void. Anakin's rise, fall, and rise didn't affect anything, seeing as the whole point was to restore balance to the Force. I rest my case.
When the trilogy started I was like, "Okay, this could be good!" Rey was an interesting character, as were Poe and Finn. Then Rey became a Mary Sue, Finn resorted to yelling "REY!" all the time, and Poe turned into Han Solo.
IT WAS THE SKYWALKER SAGA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. SIX movies. Not nine. SIX. They followed Anakin from kid slave to Jedi Padawan to Jedi Knight to Darth Vader to redemption. There were never supposed to be more movies.
Luke. They ruined Luke's character. He went from "I will do anything for my friends" even cutting short his Jedi training, to "Oh no I had a bad dream let's kill Ben Solo."
You have to have YEARS and YEARS of training to become a Jedi. Now it's just like "Oh if you're Force-sensitive you're automatically a Jedi." (*cough cough* looking at you Rey).
Force DYAD? What?!
One of the ONLY things I liked was Kylo Ren.
Okay, I'm not going to do any more. I could go on for a long time and my hands are tired. But for me, a Star Wars marathon contains six movies, not nine. And I think the sequel trilogy should be removed from canon.
If you disagree with me, that's fine.
This is just my opinion.
~Icy 💜
Edit: I hope you guys don't think I'm one of those "toxic fans." I just want the story to make sense, obey canon, and not break pre-existing rules. Is that so much to ask?
In case ya'll haven't see this yet but, THEY ADDED A LAGACY STAR WARS COLLECTION ON DISNEY+ (and yes, I'm really happy about it since I can finally see Caravan of Courage)
Honestly, I used to really like Rey. I though she was a cool character when The Force Awakens came out... but then I went down the rabbit role (it's really more of a gapping pit) of Star Wars YouTube content, and I just really can't look at her the same. Especially after the following two movies came out. She really is a bit of a Mary Sue, and strongly falls in the category of characters I don't really like because the reasoning that is most often used as to why I should like them is bEcAuSe tHeY'rE a gIrL. Like, what?
Anyways, overall, I'm mostly indifferent about the sequel trilogy, and I'm more of a fan of the prequal series
I agree with all of those points!!! And I liked the Originals the best. The last prequel was good, but the other two were like “the sand is soft here” or Jar Jar Binks. The sequels were ok, but I thought they could have been better. Maybe not make Ray that powerful...and maybe not a love triangle between her and like all the boys, because that was ridiculous.
Ello, idk XD