I'm opening my academy, finally! Here's what this little shiscobang is. It's like a school with homework and all that, but it's fun. It's good for when you're bored :)
To enroll:
Wing color:
Body color:
Mate (if any):
Foal (if any):
Let's see how this turns out :)
(It's been a while since i role-played as myself XDD)
Name: Riverbreeze
Wing color: Light lavender tipped in sky blue
Body color: Light dapple drey with white mane and tail. A star on her forehead.
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Mate (if any): He's not canon anymore because the RP that he was in ended soooo let's just say that she's single.
Foal (if any): Nope
Wing color:Red, yellow, and orange feathers tipped in blue and purple.
Body color: golden palamino.
Name: Skysun
Wing color: Gold with Darker Gold Tips
Body color: Chestnut with four white socks and a wide white blaze
Gender: Female
Mate (if any):
Foal (if any):
Age: Weanling
@Aspenray You're approved!
name: Violetshine
wing corlor: lite purple
body corlor: very lite brown
Gender: Female
Age: 3
mate: nope!
crush: nope!
Thundersnow: *warm smile* *nuzzles her back*
Stormsun: *spying on them* EWW GROSS
Thundersnow, you're approved!
Starstreak: *slaps Thundersnow with wing* Shush! *instantly feels bad and nuzzles neck were she slapped Thundersnow*
@Riverglade You're approved!
( I wanted to make one that would be more similar to me in class lol)
Name: Lightbreeze
Wing color: pink champagne tipped in gold
Body color: pretty light palomino with thin blaze and one small hind sock.
Gender: Female
Mate (if any): *shudders*
Foal (if any): *gags*
Name: Thundersnow *evil grin*
Wing color: Dark purple tipped/edged in white
Body color: Dark bay appaloosa (with 1 sock and blaze)
Gender: Malee
Mate (if any): STARSTREAK✨
Foal (if any): NOT YET BUT- *claps hand over mouth* *muffled talking*
By the way, enrollment closes on my b-day, February 17!
I'm approved XD
Yes. I am enrolling my mane OC XD
Name: Starstreak
Wing color: White
Body color: Dapple gray
Gender: Mare
Age: 2
Mate (if any): Thundersnow <3
Foal (if any): *Starstreak flies in, sees question, runs away and hides* THUNDERSNOW! THEY'RE SUSPICIOUS!
@Riverglade You're approved!
@Riverglade It's pegasus stuff :)
Name: Riverglade
Wing color: dark dusty blue
Body color: blue roan with lots of tiny white light brown, and gray dots similar to appaloosa markings, brown points, dark brown eyes, dark gray mane and tail.
Gender: Female
Age: Yearling
Mate (if any): EWWW
Foal (if any): oh dear goodness NO
(also, she will be most likely the opposite of how I am in school, so this should be interesting)
@Riverglade Yep!
@Stormsun You're approved! And LOL.
@Aspenray Kay thanks!
Aspenray is 2 and a half.
Wing color: turquoise
Body color: Chestnut (4 socks, blaze, curly black mane and tail that fades to brown)
Gender: FEMALE
Mate (if any): NOPE. But some crushes.
Foal (if any): ACK YOU KIDDING!?
@Windfeather You're approved!