Last Comment:
As the hours passed, he never moved from that spot except just for a drink of water. Maybe even doze for a few minutes. But otherwise, he kept looking toward the opening of the cave in hope of seeing Fawnroot's silhouette coming nearer toward him. But it never came.
He leaned against the wall, aches of pain shooting through his stomach topped with the missing of the mare. He longed for her, and waiting was not a specialty in his character. Callum turned his eyes upward and gazed at the ceiling hard as if it would make the time go faster.
After a long while, he lowered his eyes again to the floor, twirling the creamy white feather in his fingers absentmindedly. He listened for her wingbeats, her warm nicker; he waited to see Fawnroot's kind, soft face looking at him. He closed his eyes, feeling as though he could, her picture being engraved in his mind.
"Please come back, Fawn," he whispered and sank to the floor, his head on the ground. He held the feather before his eyes limply, never feeling more alone.

Okay so, Cole and Avery are having problems with the jerky Cloudflame. Fawnroot had gone back to her herd as a medicine mare again, leaving Callum in a cave and he yet waits for her. :,(
We still are eagerly waiting for NIGHTMISTTTTTT WHERE ARE THOU PLZ RETURNNNN!!!!!!!! DX
Anyway, so all the characters that are interacting with Nightmist's OCs are set to pause. Recomments r available for you Misty!
(Recomment for Nightmist!!!)
He smiled, "Skyrose? Sky- Skytulip? Sky... something pretty I'd imagine," he said and then suddenly went bright red in the face, "I didn't mean it that way!" He cried hastily, putting his hands up.
She set it down, rubbing her right hand, "Ugh, that was a lot of carving," she said and then smiled, "I happen to love bunnies."
Light filtered into the darkness of his sleep, causing him to mutter and turn on his upper back. He lay an arm over his eyes with a sigh, "Morning... comes too soon," he mumbled with a chuckle.
Kilroy: He felt light headed, like he was going to faint. This all was a mistake. He was not getting anywhere. ”I‘m going to pretend I did not hear that. So... map?”
“Underwater basket weaving? Why would we do that?” She asks, confused.
@Ashsong (I commented with Fawnroot!! Aww...okay bye!)
Kilroy: He nearly plotzed with frustration. Why was it that he had to deal with two children who could hardly listen to achieve his goal? How come no one over listened? Well, when the authorities were unable to save the hostages, he would not stand by. “You know what?” Kilroy asked. “Why don’t you just draw me a map. That way I can go on my own terms. If you want to come, fine. Or you can stay. Whichever. Please.“ he threw in a little reverse psychology, just for good measure. “You are just kids. I’m sure you have more important work to do, like underwater basket weaving.”
Thinks for a moment. “I don’t think they will believe us. It is a strange tale. It wouldn’t hurt to ask though!”
(Yo Cinder! What if you made Sage come into the camp just as Kilroy, Viola, and Espen were leaving???)
Kilroy: He took a deep breath, trying to focus, despite the silly agreement that was occurring as if he were not present. “Look, we need to get going. You can argue on the way. Every minute we waste is a minute that could put our camp members in danger.”
”I know!” She smiles. “That is why you should go with me! It will help take your mind off your aunt.”
@Ashsong (Do you want Espen to respond to Kilroy or should Kilroy say something else)
(I think since they’re all tired and now that they’re all together and safe, that they would get a good night‘s rest. I doubt that they’d only sleep for a few hours lol)
Light filtered in from outside the cave. The bright rays of light streamed across the cave and birds tweeted loudly, announcing the arrival of a new day.
Fawnroot’s eyes slipped open. She blinked slowly and began to raise her head up, but stopped short when she felt Callum’s arm draped across her neck. She smiled softly and lowered her head back down, as to not disturb him. The mare guessed it was a few hours past dawn-that was the longest she’s slept for a while. It felt good to sleep in without having the constant worry of all the dangers they faced.
The dark dun didn’t move or shift, not wanting to wake Callum any early than needed. She stayed still-the only movement coming from her sides as they rose and fell- and she enjoyed his warm touch on her neck.
Ashblaze: He beamed
Riverdream: "What?" She asked
He nickered, "Wow."
He smiled, "Nah it's okay, I'm just... well, I'm usually not this bashful when I meet other-uh- others. Sorry about that."
”Huh? But what if we run into danger? Or what about a tree blocking our path? I want to bring it. You could bring one too if you are jealous.”
@Ashsong bye!!!! But sure for what?? Sure-lets skip until the morning or sure-let’s only skip a few hours)
Solardream: She smiled shyly
Ashblaze: He tilted his head. "Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I can stop if you want?" He said to Dein
Riverdream: After she finally got her laughter under control, she looked at Gleamwave and nuzzled him softly
Kilroy: “Viola? You might want to leave the sword behind. Swords are not how we will succeed there.” Kilroy recommended.
He noticed how Espen’s face was creased with concern. Kilroy felt a twinge of anger, but had to remind himself of what had happened to the poor boy’s aunt only a matter of hours ago. In order to build trust, he would have to remember this.
“Espen. I‘m really sorry about your aunt.” Kilroy said, doing his best to sound sincere. As for the aunt, all Kilroy would remember of her was the way she stared at him when he came back from the battlefield, trailing blood behind him.