Every fun thing has its end, and I do believe that the Pegasi and Centaurs RP is coming to a close. It might not be exactly this moment, but it will be eventually, I’m sure. We’re all growing up, some of us even out of high school, and have other things going on in our lives. I will keep the RP open just cause, but I made this post to give the opportunity for everyone to write their characters’ endings just as a nice closing and for those who want to leave officially. I’ll stick around for a little bit, although not as frequently as I used to be of course.
Anyway, feel free to write whatever! If you aren't officially leaving yet like me, you don't have to write your characters' endings. I'll do mine in time 😅.
I have a lot of characters I love, so ima do all of them. Some will get more detail than others.
Ashtohn Catteli:
(He was my very first oc, and the first to have a romance with Cinder’s oc Sage. He never really had a whole lot of personality unfortunately 😔🤚)
Ashtohn eventually mended his relationship with his younger stepbrother Bhearit. He stuck around for awhile to make sure Bhearit had a good foundation, helping him to get a job of his own as well as with relationship advice.
He and Bhearit never really got super close, but things were mutually pleasant between them. Eventually Ashtohn did move to Iraweigh and started a small family of his own with a nice centauress he met there. He makes sure to keep in touch with his stepbrother every once in awhile. :)
Sultaan Kierst:
(I really liked Sultaan because he was the most unique out of the rest of my OCs, being mute. I really love his and Reba’s dynamic, and I’ll always ship them!)
Sultaan did not stay in his work of doing odd jobs as he took on the responsibility of caring for Reba and the baby. He started his own carpenter business, having quite a talent in it.
Sultaan had the rather terrifying privilege of getting to meet Reba’s parents, but they did warm up to him to his relief.
Sultaan also (later on when he was twenty or so, and once having a proper home and sound career) asked Reba if he could make the responsibility of protecting and caring for her and her child official. In other words, he asked to marry her. (Teehee)
Callum Docchi:
(Callum has been my main OC centaur since the beginning of my RP (although not the first OC like Ashtohn was).)
Callum would go on to live with Fawnroot and her herd, eventually taking on the role of mediator between Sun Herd and the centaur people, specifically Johirestown. He made sure to make himself useful to the pegasus leaders, doing his part as necessary in Fawnroot’s herd.
Of course, Callum didn’t work to make his relationship with the medicine mare official due to struggles with politics in Sun Herd and Johirestown for the next several years. So he had to put his own heart’s desires away for awhile.
The captured Sun Herd foals were eventually rescued; and as for Coalwing, well, he passed in unspecified or rather mysterious circumstances. No one really knows how to this day. The pegasi elected a new over stallion for Sun Herd, one with a clearer and wiser mind who had a mate worthy of being lead mare along with heirs, none of which Coalwing had.
A steady peace was established between Mountain Herd and Sun Herd, but not without cost. It took more than simple arguments to ensure cooperation between the two herds. Rimecrest did his part as best he could, although passing in the midst of the conflict. It took his death and many others’ to bring the war to an end. He, among the others’ whose lives were lost, are honored as those who fought to continue Star’s way.
After five years, peace was finally established, and both sides settled down. Callum finally, with much patient reasoning, made his relationship with Fawnroot official. He remained in Sun Herd with her for the rest of his life.
Bhearit Catteli:
(He wasn’t originally supposed to be such a main OC for me but he ended up being so thanks to Kavani and Kollin coming along XDD)
Bhearit would not try to pursue a full time occupation in inventions (after being reasoned with by Ashtohn of course). He would keep his love for tinkering as a side hobby, occasionally being able to make a few sales. He took up a job in construction, helping build a larger school as Johirestown grew.
He eventually convinced Kavani and Kollin to move in with him after making just a few “minor” renovations to his home. (Aka the addition of two more bedrooms and cleaning up the dump of scraps and half finished inventions in his dining room)
Bhearit never saw his biological mother and father again, nor heard of them. He learned that in the will of his stepmother, he became the owner of the house she had raised him and Ashtohn in. He then decided to rent it to people in need of stay, particularly those with families. This brought a good amount of income, and he used it to fulfill Kollin’s needs as well as other things.
Bhearit would come to terms with his love for Kavani in the next year, but would go about it quietly and carefully (and rather uncertainly) for awhile as he waited and watched to see if his feelings were mutual. Eventually this did become true after a long time of patient waiting. (I’m not going to go into detail since Kavani is River’s OC!)
Cole Finau:
(Cole was not my OC originally as y’all prbly know already. He was actually my sister’s while she was on this RP. Then she left 😤. So I claimed him as my own and glad I did bcus I literally love Colvery so muchhh)
Cole would continue his boxing career for the next few years, gaining much income from his many victories. Within that timespan, Cole married Avery. Thanks to the money he gained from his career, he was able to purchase a comfortable home for Avery, making sure it was one she liked. For two years of their marriage he continued boxing, but soon it was evident that he needed to resign and start focusing on family. (Especially since he was constantly coming home with injuries of all sorts, particularly having several occasions where he was in the hospital.) (prbly drove Avery up the walls fr fr)
Cole got the job as a boxing coach instead, guiding young stallions in their careers just like his coach did. It was mostly in honor of his coach, who passed of a heart attack just a little after Cole’s and Avery’s marriage. This new career did bring steady, safe income to Cole and his family.