This takes place in Anok, and there are still the original five herds, just with centaurs in it! (Centaurs are half human half horse in case you didn’t know) The era for the centaurs is like between the 1500s and 1600s, kind of like the colonial era.

Here's the background:
It has been nearly 200 years since Star and his friends have passed on to the golden meadow, and much has changed since then. The five herds, Sun Herd, Mountain Herd, Snow Herd, Jungle Herd, and Desert Herd have been at peace, sharing their love for what Star and his friends valued and fought for.
But like every other golden age, it doesn’t last. The peace is dwindling, like dying embers of a fire. Now there are new rumors of powerful and intelligent creatures that have come from the east, inland, and from across the sea to the south.
The herds are uneasy, some say that these hybrids between land walkers (humans) and horses are mere tall tales. But more and more pegasi are meeting these creatures, especially in Sun Herd. The centaurs, this is what they call themselves, have established towns and cities across the land of Anok, ignorant of the true natives that live there.
Anok hasn’t seen such disturbance in a very long time, but there is still hope- a hope that two peoples will come together in peace and unite against the natural evil which grows like weeds unchecked.
And the limit of pegasi and centaurs are... NO LIMIT! XD
The rules in this RP:
No lgbtq+ OCs of any kind. Each of your characters have to be either a girl or a boy, to prevent confusion (there are only two genders in this world)
Please no language: (Using "God" incorrectly, the other versions of heck, dang/darn. Definitely do not use the bleeped out words XD)
Please don’t demand for replies to your comments from other RPers here, just help them out with a re-comment to remind them. Be fair to others: none of your OCs can have superpowers of any kind, (like starfire.) And lastly, please don’t ask for advice on personal problems happening to yourself or your home, we are nice (I hope you find us so, though XD), but strangers! Thanks for joining this RP!
Here's a layout of how to genuinely describe your OC (you can add whatever details you like):
If you have any questions just ask!!! But most of all, HAVE FUNNN!!!
Here's an AMAZING map that Aspi made!!

(Viola remake! She’s going to be a student at the school Reba is attending.)
Creature: Centaur
Name: Viola
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Occupation/rank: Orphan
Herd/Town: Johirestown
Description: Small piebald centaur with a short black tail, pale skin, light blue eyes, and long dark brown hair. She wears a self-made purple flower crown in her hair and usually wears purple shirts. She can never be found without her trusty wooden play sword.
Likes: The outdoors, play fighting with her sword, spending time with Espen, learning new things at school
Dislikes: People asking about her parents, being inside, complete silence
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Personality: Inquisitive, Kind-hearted, Bold, Guarded, Smart, Loyal
Family: Parents (Missing), Espen (Brother)
Backstory: Viola and Espen are siblings, but neither of them have realized it. When Espen was young, his parents moved away to settle another place and planned to return to get him once they were settled. This was easier said than done, as their parents struggled to make their new home safe. During this time, they had Viola. When Viola was three, a traveler became her caretaker. Viola believes that her parents entrusted her to this traveler. She lived with the traveler for several years. The traveler was the one who gifted Viola her wooden play sword. When Viola was eight, she was separated from the traveler. Luckily, she was very close to Johirestown! Espen found her and the two bonded. Viola was later taken into the orphanage.
(This is the older design drawing of Viola by Ashsong. Viola now has a flower crown instead of purple hair tips and is a year older. ☺️)