Hey! decided on a boarding school RP. you can have only humans and pegasi and dragons. XD. please only 1 family of characters and the time setting things is in modern time in the mountains of california called paradise mountain. it looks like this:

1. only one family per person
2. anyone can join
3. have fun!!!
4. you can have limited 10 pets
oh and im not doing my creatures rp. :) RIP Creatures.
ok, cool description!
Well no one told me that so don't blame me.
Name: Kanz
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Type: Mulawan Dragon (means Colorful dragon )
Description: Burky, but agile, dragon Short with wings mixed with all sorts of colors and splotches of red. It's hard to describe so you can just look at my drawing for it.
About: He is the last of his kind. He a mix between most dragons. He is very witty and the wisest dragon on Earth.
Personality: Kind, witty, fierce and kind hearted, smart, VERY VERY wise, pleasent to be around, and it makes you feel at ease when around him.
Pic: ( I'll get it in a few )
plus if the parent dragon counts that wuldve been 12 XD
the picture of the twin dragons parents dont count.....im not using them
i have 11? i have two pegasi, 3 dragons, 5 humans
Dawnfeather, you have 11 OCs.... You've already broken your rules XD
ok 10 characters only is final
thats super cool! im doing 8 characters, the limit is 8
Name: Alexis Knight
Nickname(s): Alex or Ember
Gender: female
Age: 14
Species: pure blood Alherian
Powers: can release bursts of flame from her hands, and control fire, lava, and heat. She can turn things to molten lava just by touching it and when she's using her powers her eyes become flame colored, her hair starts smoking and sparks fly out of it. Some times, if she uses her powers for an extended period of time, her hands start turning black, but it doesn't hart her.
Crush: n/a
Friends: TBD
Enemies: You better hope not
About: Alex's parents were part of this intergalactic police force thing from the planet Alhar, and retired from hunting criminals after she was born. But, when Alex was three months old a really bad criminal (I wont specify what this guy did because it's pretty graphic, and would take forever to explain) broke out of his cell in Prison Galactica, and swore to take revenge on the cop who had brought him in. Unfortunately, that cop was Alex's father. The family spent several months on the run, but finally the criminal caught up to them. There was a big fight, in witch Alex's mother was killed, but Alex and her father managed to get away. At this point Alex's father realized that the criminal would not stop hunting him until he was dead, so he gave Alex to some friends who took her to a planet in the middle of no where called Earth. Alex arrived safely, and it was decided that to keep Alex safe she should be raised in a human family until she could fend for herself. Alex was raised for 12 years by a foster family, completely oblivious to who she really was. But shortly after her 13th birthday, Alex came down with a fever of 120 that kept getting hotter. She was hospitalized despite insisting that she felt fine, wile she was there one of the doctors, who ended up being one of her father's old friends, told Alex of her Alharian roots, and that she was being hunted by the criminal who killed her mother, and, as it turned out, her father as well. Alex decided that the best thing she could do next was to fake her death and leave her adoptive family to save them from the same fate of her biological parents. With the help of her father's friend, Alex learned how to use her fiery powers. After she had mostly mastered them she tracked down her parent's murder, and sent him back to prison. Alex then returned to earth and now lives at boarding school.
(This is what she looks like, but her nails are shorter and not painted, she usually wears jeans, and she doesn't wear jewelry/wristwatch)
yup! and im limiting the characters to 5 cause idont think i can keep track all(:
So I went and looked up what I had written about my OC that can control fire. I forgot that changed her backstory a wile back, and she's actually a pure bred alien that looks like a human. Can I still use her?
Age: 2
Type: dragon hybrid
Nightwing Seawing hyrbrid
i gtg
0.o sure! thats interesting!
I have this one OC that's half alien and has fire powers, would that be okay?
and onlyn some of your characters can have it
i guess one power but not too/super powerful and do something creative