So ever since Thursday I have been getting bad stomach aches, head aches, and barely sleeping. I don't know if this is stress related but it's been happening ever since Thursday... The day my BFF moved away.... And this seems like stress bc my friend moved away and now my big brother is supposed to go to boot camp tomorrow morning at like 10:00am! This is probably stress related but I don't know what to do for this. I have noticed that I have been stressed and closed off a lot bc of these events and when I get stressed I suck in my stomach and some other signs that it's hard to describe. I have noticed that if I don't eat this get s worse. No! I'm not starving myself!! I have a horrible habit of not eating breakfast or lunch or any snacks and only eat a little dinner. I have been doing this more often bc of this stress and need some advice on how to deal with this. And having a younger brother talking in my ear all the time isn't helping. I have also been snapping bc I need some space but that's hard to get with sharing a room, heh. But singing has made me feel a bit better but not a lot. Please tell me something, I have been losing sleep and am very tired during days. On top of that Wind's heart rate has been up and I've been watching her demon of a dog. Don't worry! She's doing fine!!!!! Thanks to moi! Hehe. But I've been so tired lately, crying, stressed. Everything. Please give me some advice!
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Btw, everyone is telling me tell someone I trust. I'm telling YOU! You guys are who I trust a lot besides my BFF and my sister.
Hi Pheonix! I am so sorry. There is not much I can say that the others haven't already said, but try to find a way to get rid of the stress. No matter what that is, and if you need some alone time...just tell them that you need it. I am a very inward person, meaning I usually deal with a lot of my emotions on my own. But once I tell someone, it feels so much better even though approaching someone to tell them scares me so bad...I usually tell my mom and Jesus(Not that I have to tell him...he already know...but It sure makes me feel better).
And if you need help, you should make sure you get it. If it is a medical thing, they are usually easier to treat earlier on then if you let them go on. Tell someone you trust who can help you. If it is nothing, at least you know.
I don't want to keep repeating everything they already told you, but I will be praying for you! We are a herd and we love you.
You should REALLY talk to someone you trust. Whether it be your parents, Windfeather, a pastor, a doctor, a teacher, a friend, or something else. This DOESN'T seem good for you. HOWEVER, I am NO doctor and have NO IDEA what's wrong, if something even IS wrong. If something IS wrong, you should get help!
I'd also suggest praying...I find that things look less bleak when I lay all my problems down at the feet of Jesus so he can take them for me. He is our family, He LOVES us more than you can ever know. were EXTREMELY BRAVE to tell us you were having problems. We ARE here for you, we are your herd. Do NOT hesitate to talk to us if you need ANYTHING. We care for you Phoenix.
Just know that this WILL get better in the future. We will be here for you, and you do NOT have to face things alone. We, and God, stand with you.
Your Friend,
I don't really know anything about this kind of stuff, but my mom does. I also understand not eating breakfast or lunch. I sometimes don't have an appetite in the mornings and afternoons, and then i get really hungry before and after dinner and snack all the time.
Anyways, my mom says that you should definitely talk to your parents about it. They'll most likely have some advise for this. But she also says that the reason your head and stomach is hurting all the time is because you're not eating. I mean, you aren't eating breakfast, lunch, and most of your dinner. I would say try and force yourself to eat even if you don't think you're hungry. Like, try and eat your favorite meals. That helps me.
Anyway, these tips might work, they might not, but hope your feeling better soon, and I'm sorry about your brother!
I'm sorry you're going through all that, it sounds horrible. Definitely tell your parents and try to see a doctor about this. It might be stress related, but it could also be something different so it would be better to be safe than sorry. As for forgetting to eat, I actually have similar problems. I often forget to eat lunch or drink water (I literally never drink enoug liquids, it drives my mom crazy because it makes my medical issues worse). Try setting a timer/alarm on your phone or watch, if you have one to remind you to eat. Maybe even do a rewards thing where if you remember to eat a meal for x amount of time, let yourself do something like watch your favorite show, read a book, etc... it may seem pointless, but you'd be surprised at its effectiveness. I hope it gets better soon!
You should talk to your parents and family and it might be stress related but idk what to say... HOPE YOU GET BETTER!