For those of you who are participating in NaNoWriMo, specifically the challenge hosted by @Morningmist , I did some art for my story :)
I don't know if anyone else has done any, but I'm miraculously keeping up with the writing and decided to spend some time drawing out a scene!

There are a few issues, I'm just not yet sure how to fix them. I'll learn as I go as I never do entire scenes.
AMAZING @Firesong
Oh wow, that looks SO COOL!!!
Wow! I greatly admire your dedication and that art is just incredible! It is dark and mysterious, yet not too dark to see what is going on. The distance between the two girls is really interesting as well! You might want to even consider submitting this somewhere! :)
OOH! I love that! Could you maybe.. Draw some art for me please? For Nano?
*blinks rapidly* sorry I'm just absolutely mesmerised and jealous of people who can draw scenes like that like??? Teach me your ways??? I beg?? I have no idea what story this is trying to tell but I KNOW its a story and its very clear and its so cool?? I adore the contrast in this its absolutely stunning!!! AND OH MY GOD THE DETAIL ON THE CHARACTERS???? incredible absolutely incredible :)
Oh wow that’s amazing!!
Oooh that's awesome! I would love to try to do something like that but I'm bad at scenes and don't have the time 🤣 still you go!