So, here is my submission for @Firesong Complex Challenge, where you had to pick 3 numbers between 1 and 109, and you would get characters you would have to draw. I decided to do both parts of the challenge. So this is my brain at 11 p.m trying to figure out what to write about. So, without further notice, here are the characters featured in this Fanfic.
Number 68: LoveSong
Number 64: FrostFire
Number 32: @Hazey
My Choice: RainShade/Rayne
So, this is just the intro to the story, but if anyone wants me to make a whole story, or if this is intriguing at all, just let me know, and I will post by chapters later. So, without further ado...
Mythology is Your Nightmare
"What walks on four legs at morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?" The mighty and noble creature flicked her tail in patience, waiting for the mortal to answer. She lifted one of her large leopard paws, and made a ticking sound.
"Tick Tock, mortal. Time is running short." She batted her eyelashes.
The mortal shrugged. "I-I don't know." he fumbled, as the creature sneered. Her tail swished gingerly on her rock.
"Well, I guess you know what that means." She shook her head sympathetically. "You can't pass me. You may leave, and come back in exactly 12 moons. If you have an answer for me, you may pass." She heaved herself upward.
"May you have safe travels mortal, and remember... Answer my riddles, and I'll lead you on your way. That, is the Sphinx's destiny."
In this universe, may feather winged dragons fly freely, hoarding their treasures in caves, watching their young, and never sharing their life. But one dragon in particular, whose scales shine bright and yellow as the sun, and her wings shimmer purple like the space that she protects, will be one of the Three to bring prosperity to all of the lands. With the dragon, comes the Hippogriff. Part horse, part eagle, he protects his kin, with such ferocity, willing to risk anything and everything, to keep evils at bay. He is strong and powerful, whose wings shimmer blue, and his body shines gray and white as snow falls on the rock bared mountains he lives on. And finally, The mighty half born sphinx, who is cursed to look the way she does. While others look at her in shame, she and others view her with pride. Her beautiful womanly face, along with her mighty snow leopard body, and hind legs and wings of her father, Pegasus. These three will bring peace to their human infested realm, unless... One comes along, and brings trouble where she walks. Or, dare I say, trots? Her lower body of a horse, and upper body of a human girl, makes it hard to fit in well, especially when she gallops alone. She will follow the three heroes. Will it be their downfall, or will it be their victory? Only Time will tell... Unless they fail of course. Turning everything mythical into nightmares, whose main goal is to drive out the human population. Will they succeed in their prophecy? Or will this child be the source of all their problems?
Nice!!! That's really interesting!!! Did you turn all the characters into mythological creatures?
I did put it in the challenges
It would help me a lot if you could put them in the challenges :)
Please forgive my bad coloring I finished it at like 12 in the morning
Woooooah! That's so cool!
Interesting concept!
wow, this looks so cool! I would definitely read that!