Hey guys! I think a lot of you have read the Pegasus series by Kate O'Hearn? but what about the Valkyrie series? Anyways, she had this little note in the beginning about Bullying. Check it out sometime.
This RP is about Mythological creatures, figures, e.t.c. coming to Anok, exploring a new continent. You have the choice of being a Valkyrie, Human, god, goddess, dragon, reaping mare, offspring of Pegasus, anything mythological including its creatures.
The mythologies are Roman, Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Hinduism. I'm sorry but I do not know anymore mythologies except for a bit of Celt.
Valkyrie: norse maidens who reap the dead that are only worthy for Valhalla and ride reaping mares
Reaping Mares: winged mares that are steeds of the Valkyrie.
Bellona: roman goddess of war
Ares/Mars: greek/roman god of war
Athena/Minerva: greek/roman goddess of warfare(Athena), Wisdom(athena,minerva), and craft(minerva)
Demeter/Ceres: goddess of wheat, grain, farming etc
Terminus: roman god of boundaries
Pompona: roman goddess of um meals? food?
Apollo/Apollo: god of music, prophecy, delphi, healing, and the sun.
Zeus/Jupiter: king of the gods, god of storms, lightning, etc.
Hades/Pluto: god of riches, bones, underworld, death.
Poseidon/Neptune: god of the seas, oceans.
Hera/Juno: goddess of family, childbirth, etc.
Balder: norse god of poetry???
Frigg: goddess of idk(lol) i really dont know search it up
Loki: god of mischeif
Thor: norse god like Zeus
Odin: ?
Frey: god of summer
Freya: goddess of fertility
Hermes/Mercury: greek/Roman god of messengers
Dionysus/Bacchus: greek/roman god of wine, etc.
Hephaestus: god of blacksmiths, etc.
Bast: egyptian goddess of cats
Ra: egyptian god of the sun
Nut: egyptian goddess of the sky
Geb: egyptian god of the earth
Sehkmet: search it up
Shu: egyptian god of the air
Isis: egyptian goddess of magic
Horus: egyptian god of um fighting?
Osirus: god of death
(thats all i can think of right now)
AAWWWW!!!!! Zavier is so cute and Collin is so handsome!!!!
Name Zavier
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Type: Centaur
Family: Older sister Melany
Friends: Melany. Still doesn't know about Asgardian people
Personality: Dreamer, VERY shy, loves hugs, kind hearted, fun, and spunky
Mate: I'm not gonna evem go there -.-
Description: Pale boy with dirty blond hair, teal eyes. In his soon-to-be-known centaur form, he is a palomino appaloosa
Name: Colin Jarred
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Type: Shape-shifter
Family: For some reason they stayed on Asgard
Friends: Every Asgardian
Personality: Funny, flirty, charming, smart, fierce, strong, kind hearted
Crush: TBD
Mate: Yuck.
Description: Raven black hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes.. Can shape shift into a raven, a crow, a squirrel, a black jaguar, and a wyvern.
i guess the shift is ok...
oof its from greek and roman mythology
Yeah. She's a centaur, so that's means like half horse half human, but I just made that up about every centaur having the ability to do that.
Oh, I missed that
Well, Nightmist said this in Other: "She can turn the half of her body that's horse into human whenever she wants."
Uh, RB... she's a centar, wich means she has the body of a horse, but from the chest area up she's human
Sooo, she's kinda like a shapeshifter except she can only shift into a horse or a human? THAT'S REALLY COOL!!!!!!
Name: Melany (Mel-a-knee)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Type: Centaur
Family: Has a little brother who is 6, no parents because they ran away.
Friends: Little brother named Zavier.
Personality: Caring, smart, fierce, tough, strong, protective, and very sensitive on the inside.
Crush: Maybe Ulric...? She only really and truly has enough room in her heart for Zavier.
Mate: TBD
Description: Very pale skin, flowing red hair that touches the small of her back, emerald green eyes. Her half of her body that's horse is a chestnut appaloosa with a red mane and tail.
Other: She can turn the half of her body that's horse into human whenever she wants. Does that make any sense?
Okay, that still doesn't really tell me the plot..... Like, what are the characters goals basically? So that's what happens, but, what are their goals after that? Just to get home? To take over the land? SO MANY OPTIONS. MIND. EXPLODING.
So, this is kinda what I think we decided was the story lead up for the RP:
The night Star received his starfire, something strange happened. It awaked the destroyer, but it also awaked something inside other mythical creatures around the world. Not knowing what to make of this strange feeling, the creatures continued about their lives as normal. But when Star defeated Nightwing, a large amount of exes starfire was left in the air, and was blown away from Anok. Nothing happened for a wile, but one night, on a full moon, the starfire sparked, and it caused many of the mythical creatures that lived out side of Anok, to be transported to the land of the flying steeds.
You can use any mythical creature you want. Dawn made a list of the various characters from different mythologies and put it in this post if you want some help, or you can ask one of us if your still stumped.
In the RP, we haven't actually done all that much, so they all just transported to Anok.
Name: Fidem
Age: Immoral (right?)
Gender: Male
Type: Reaping Mare
Personality: Faithful, loyal, patient, affectionate, and sweet
Description: Super-soft coat, black mane and tail, white “star” on his forehead, and four black “socks” (and the picture is SO spot on, so he looks just like that but older and bigger)
Special: His Valkyrie is Alium
Crush: To be Determined
Soo..... ANY kind of creature?
Name: Auxilium
Age: (How do you put an age on a raven?)
Gender: Female
Type: Raven
Personality: Bossy, helpful, loves to jest with Alium, sweet, smart (usually), and sarcastic when scared
Description: Beautiful (at least to male ravens) but is pretty much a normal raven
Special: Her Valkyrie is Alium
Crush: To be Determined
I'm not sure what the plot is yet, but you can make any mythical creature you want, pretty much.
Everything sort of.... Like, what the RP's main idea is about, what kind of creatures there are, etc.