I have been horse riding for 5 years, and have been reading horse books and finding out about horses ever since I was told that I could do horse riding. But the main thing that I have been researching is colouring, because there is so much to learn about it. Just recently I made a doc listing all the horse colours, markings and patterns, and I think I will post it.
(btw the difference between piebald, skewbald, pinto and paint is that piebald is black and white patched, skewbald is white and any other colour patched, pinto is and two colours patched but usually looks like skewbald or piebald so a pinto is usually pinto in genetics, and a paint is a pinto that is either a Thoroughbred or a Quarter Horse. :)
I also know that liver chestnuts and silver dapples can look exactly the same, sort of like flaxen chestnuts vs. dark palominos. The only difference in some of these cases is the genes. They can look identical.
Piebald and skewbald have nothing to do with the colors of the pinto horse’s coat, they are the names of the patterns. There are black and white skewbalds, brown and white piebalds, tan and white overos, etc., etc.,...
Yep, probably do. ENDLESS MYSTERIES.
Some time I think people just do things to confuse us
Palomino is a colour breed, but a rather common normal colour as well.
my fav are palomino's black's chestnut's with flaxen, dapple grays and appaloosa's
idk it doesnt make sense
Palomino is a color breed. its a registered breed lol
Oh wow, thanks! I never knew.
Palomino is a color, but it's also a 'breed'
Palomino isn't a colour breed, it's a normal horse colour.
Yeah, there are few color breeds that are Quarter Horses of certain colors, like the Palomino.
Wow! I LOVE dapple greys :D
I have been horse riding for 5 years, and have been reading horse books and finding out about horses ever since I was told that I could do horse riding. But the main thing that I have been researching is colouring, because there is so much to learn about it. Just recently I made a doc listing all the horse colours, markings and patterns, and I think I will post it.
(btw the difference between piebald, skewbald, pinto and paint is that piebald is black and white patched, skewbald is white and any other colour patched, pinto is and two colours patched but usually looks like skewbald or piebald so a pinto is usually pinto in genetics, and a paint is a pinto that is either a Thoroughbred or a Quarter Horse. :)
I also know that liver chestnuts and silver dapples can look exactly the same, sort of like flaxen chestnuts vs. dark palominos. The only difference in some of these cases is the genes. They can look identical.
Piebald and skewbald have nothing to do with the colors of the pinto horse’s coat, they are the names of the patterns. There are black and white skewbalds, brown and white piebalds, tan and white overos, etc., etc.,...
Also, a 'black paint' is actually a piebald pinto
Rainfeather, the picture you have for liver chestnut, is actually a picture of a silver bay dapple. This is a liver chestnut:
Oki, thanks! ^~^
And I love black and white pintos! :D