so meet Romeo!! he is a horse i use to ride at my barn (sadly he is mostly for beginners so i cant ride him anymore:( but i still love him!) This guy is a big goofball and is super kind and loyal. He is one of the tallest horses at my barn being 17.2 hands (like i think a around 6 ft or more?) one thing though he hates other horses.
So with this info and picture below i want you to make a pegasus name for him and a picture of him as a pegasi!!
I want to do this beacuse even tho he is not mine, he truly is my heart horse, we even came to the riding academy around a few months apart. so be creative and have fun with this guy!
3rd: a headshot of a horse
2nd: a head shot of any pegasi
1st a full body of any horse or pegasi plus having your art as my profile pic (for a while at least XD)
Here is my version of Romeo as a pegasus!!
For some reason when I read the description of him, the first color that came to mind was yellow, so I decided to go with it and color not only his feathers that color but also have a yellowish colored background. And for the name, I was thinking Beechray (beech as in beech trees) would fit since it not only features an 'R' in the name, but also, I think goes very well with the whole sunny theme I ended up with along with him kinda being big brown and I guess sorta tree like in a way XD
Drawing Time - 2:32:53
I am so in!