Hey guys, as you may know a few of us were talking about meeting each other or Skyping in real life as opposed to through writing on electronics. Dragon came up with a time chart to figure out time zones:

So express your opinions, questions, etc., in the comments. I hope we will be able to meet!
Umm... I'm not sure (I lost my list of who was going to be there when my computer broke)
Is Riverbreeze doing this? I forget.
Chose the Pinterest option
Yeah, that would probably be better (and faster for those of us receiving it)
I am, Wispi. I could do it, or you could message either of us (me or Dragon) on Pinterest.
Oh, sorry lol. I meant are you active right now, so I can show you my email, that way you can save it somewhere and then I can delete it quick.
On what?
Dragon, are you on?
Well, I'm only doing it because my personal email is with yahoo, so I can't use it with google hangouts. And I do technically have a gmail account, but it's a CAP issued address, so I was thinking it would be better if I was using an email that was actually mine
I think I am as well, although I may make a new email account.
Oh, I’m comfortable with it. I trust you guys.
i am unable to get any of these apps or programs but if you would like to contact me my email is virginia.mae.flagg@gmail.com
Yes it does, but if you don't feel comfortable with sharing that kind of information, you can do what I'm most likely doing, and make a separate email account for this
Oh, btw, does this mean we’re sharing emails/phone numbers? Because I don’t see another way.
Google Hangouts.
Which program are we using again?
Good news guys! I’m officially allowed to do the video chat! Still gotta sit through the rules lecture tonight, but that’s fine just as long as I get to meet you guys.
Ive already got Echo anyone else have it?
I’m Eastern Standard Time, Dragon.
Actually, what time zone are you in Wispi?