Name: Nightdream
1 comment: Gender
2 comment: Age
3 comment : Description
4comment: Eyes
5comment: Image Reference(s)
6 comment: personality
7 comment: Role (if it's a major role we'll change the name: Lead mare, over-stallion, ect)
8 comment: herd
9 comment; back story
10 comment; relationships
Name: Nightdream
1 comment: Gender: female
2 comment: Age: Filly
3 comment : Description: Dark bay pinto filly with a white mane and tail, thin blaze going down her face, and midnight blue feathers tipped in pale creamy blue
4comment: Eyes amber
5comment: Image Reference(s);

6 comment: personality: A bit crazy but very kind. She is that friend that makes you laugh and is always in a good mood around others. It isn't until she is alone that she allows herself to feel bad or show that she isn't always perfect. She isn't always ok.
7 comment: Role (if it's a major role we'll change the name: Lead mare, over-stallion, ect): filly
8 comment: herd
9 comment; back story
10 comment; relationships
Have fun!
Role: Filly
(it only seemed fair) XD
Personality: A bit crazy but very kind. She is that friend that makes you laugh and is always in a good mood around others. It isn't until she is alone that she allows herself to feel bad or show that she isn't always perfect. She isn't always ok.
(Well that took a turn i didn't expect.)
Ah, I guess I'm doing the picture again. Just leaving this comment here so I have time to find one
eyes: amber
Description: Dark bay pinto filly with a white mane and tail, thin blaze going down her face, and midnight blue feathers tipped in pale creamy blue.
Age: filly
Gender: Female