Name: Firemoth
1 comment: Gender
2 comment: Age
3 comment : Description
4comment: Eyes
5comment: Image Reference(s)
6 comment: personality
7 comment: Role (if it's a major role we'll change the name: Lead mare, over-stallion, ect)
8 comment: herd
9 comment; back story
10 comment; relationships
1 comment: Gender: mtf (male to female)
2 comment: Age: : 28
3 comment : Description: : dirty gray stallion with red and orange feathers and blaze on face, and two front socks
4comment: Eyes: Brown
5comment: Image Reference(s):

6 comment: personality: : Sweet, caring, come, smart
7 comment: Role (if it's a major role we'll change the name: Lead mare, over-stallion, ect): Battle mare/stallion
8 comment: herd:sun
9 comment; back story
10 comment; relationships
Personality: Sweet, caring, come, smart.
Not an exact match, but close enough
Eyes: Brown
description: dirty gray stallion with red and orange feathers and blaze on face, and two front socks.
Age: 28
Gender: mtf (male to female)