Okay for the first part of your name, start with the LAST LETTER of your MIDDLE NAME
A. Opal
B. Fray
C. Coal
D. Aqua
E. Iron
F. Cinder
G. Sage
H. Dapple
I. Lark
J. High
K. Moon
L. Crest
M. Vivid
N. Jay
O. Blood
P. Flame
Q. Willow
R. Sickle
S. Ripple
T. Dart
U. Coil
V. Twist
W. Mist
X. Sky
Y. Shadow
Z. Blade
As for your last part of your pegasus name.... use your FIRST LETTER of your FIRST NAME
A. Heather
B. Void
C. Jackal
D. Timber
E. Billow
F. Dark
G. Trickle
H. Quail
I. Lily
J. Stripe
K. Will
L. Ember
M. Silver
N. Lightning
O. Frost
P. Crystal
Q. Stone
R. Water
S. Amber
T. Joy
W. Vision
X. Light
Y. Bolder
Z. Claw
Mine is Ironbillow! What's yours? Enjoy!
Mine is Shadowlily but I don't really like that, would've loved first letter of my first name and then last letter in my middle name; Larkbolder XD
Opalbillow! These names are gorgeous, this is my favourite!!
Thunderray did their family so I'll do mine!
Mum: (no middle name so I went with the comments: second letter of last name) Ironsilver (lol kinda contradictory)
Dad: Jaywater
Brother: Jayjackal
Best Friends: Dartheather, Opalheather, and Ironamber! To switch it up and do the last letter of first name, Dartheather becomes Dartquail (ooooh, I LOVE that name!) and Opalheather remains the same! I like that a lot!!
This is so fun, I'm gonna do more names <3
Friends with me right now: Opaltrickle, Larkfrost (Larksong and Starfrost!), Larkheather (again), Sageember, Coilheather. Sickest!
Also, I'm doing this in class and I think the girls behind me might've been whispering about me since I was reading the prefix-suffix names out loud to my friends. I don't mind thought, I'm not ashamed of what I like <3
Edit: My crush has four names altogether, but goes by only two of them... I'll try both methods, so let's see what we get...
(Using unused first name as a middle name, for which we needed the last letter of) Ironember
(Second letter of used last name) Coilember
Both are pretty <3
Sicklesliver :) also this is a really good idea!
XD will since i have two middle names I got two names!
Dartwater or Ironwater
I'm gonna do all the possibilities!
First name:
(E) IronBillow
(M) VividBillow
(B) FrayBillow
(E) IronBillow
(R) SickleBillow
Last name:
(M) Ironsilver, Vividsilver, Fraysilver, Sicklesilver
(A) Ironheather, Vividheaher, Frayheather, Sickleheather
(R) Ironwater, Vividwater, Fraywater, Sicklewater
(S) Ironamber, Vividamber, Frayamber, Sickleamber
(H) Ironquail, Vividquail, Frayquail, Sicklequail
(A) Ironheather, Vividheaher, Frayheather, Sickleheather
(L) Ironember, Vividember, Frayember, Sickleember
(L) Ironember, Vividember, Frayember, Sickleember
I got OpalSilver!
I got Ripplewater. I like it
Fair warning I am the youngest in my fam
Brother(Younger one): Shadowember
Brother(Older): Sicklecrystal
Oldest sister: Ironheather
Mum: Vividheather
Dad: Cindercrystal
Yes me, my bro, and my dad all have a name starting with P.... but it's funny cause my dad and brother both have the same name!! XD
I got Bloodcrystal.... I sorta like it actually!! XD
Ironamber. Great generator, I just always have the worst luck with them XD
Scipio!!!! Is dat youu??? Welcome back!! We missed you๐๐
Oof when you donโt have a middle name......
Ironlily lol. Iโm gonna change that to what I originally thought my middle name was spelled.
Sicklestripe. Hmm.
im Opalclaw