I don't know how this is gonna go, but hopefully you all will like it, so bear with me. Here's the idea or storyline of it, and bewarned, it may sound cheesey:
After the defeat of Nightwing, Anok thought they would be peacful for a long time. They were wrong. After almost a year from Nightwing's defeat, giant winged lizards came to Anok from the North. Some could bear the breath of fire, some the breath of ice. Many different species of the winged lizards (dragons) roamed freely across Anok, destroying anything they could get their claws on, including the biggest population, the pegasi. The species that were identified by the Pegasi included Seabreaths, Firebreaths, Icebreaths, Sandbreaths, and Earthbreaths. It is up to the pegasi to reclaim their land, but will they succeed?
Okay, yes, I know, Last part cheesey, but bear with me. If you would like to join, here are the different types of dragons and their descriptions:
Seabreaths: Long, small, agile, and slippery dragons that live in the sea, but can survive on land, They often come in shades of blue, green, and sometimes dark, dark purple. They are fierce members of dragon kind and often screech like a banshee before delivering the death blow. Their naturally defense is when they bite, the area they bit becomes paralyzed and is not able to function properly. They live on the western coast of Anok and in the vain across the west coast.
Firebreaths: Big, triangular dragons that can breath fire. They come in shades of red, orange, and dark copper. They roam in the south part of Sun Herds lands and the Northern part of Jungle Herd's lands.
Icebreaths: Medium sized dragons and can breath killer ice breath. They come in very pale shades of blue, white, and moonlight colors. They often have jagged scales that represent pieces of ice. They live in Snow Herd's territory and a bit of Mountain Herd's.
Sandbreaths: Thin slim dragons with the biggest wings. Pften come in pale shades of yellow, sand, and very light copper. When they spit, birght yellow venom ejects itself as a defense mechanism from the dragons teeth, which can melt any mineral but feathers. (Ironic, right? XD)
Earthbreaths: Bulky dragons that are the biggest of all the other dragon kinds. They usually come in colors of brown(mud), green, and very pale red colors that are close to the color mud. They are normally peaceful creatures, but if they feel threatened or are angry, as a defense mechanism small, but dangerous spikes poke out of theirs tales.
Okay, so if you are interested, than please use this for your characters:
Type: (if dragon)
Rank: (for dragons there is the queen or king that has the mosst treasure brought with them, there are warriors, scouts which are basically spies, and commoners )
Pic: (I know it is hard to find pics, so I will draw the description of your dragon if you would like me too)
1. You can be either a pegasus or dragon. Choose wisely (Joke)
2. The dragon must be one of the following species of dragon I have named, but I will allow one character that is a dragon that is a mix of only TWO different types of dragon (I'm so kind, right?)
3. The pegasi may or may not be foals of current characters, but if someone else has made a character from the same to original TGH characters as you, you msut agree on if they are siblings or not
4. Have fun!
So, I got the first Wof book about 5 days ago, and finished it in three days and absolutely LOVED it, so this is basically where the idea came from lol.
Also, I will be psoting a map of where the dragons roam, but the herds are still the same.
So, if you would like to join, comment below in the comment section with your awesome pegasus or dragon character! Claws/Hooves up, fire/feathers ready! Fight! 9Lol. Little pun from the books :P )
(Here's the map:
Pale blue: Icebreahts
Dark blue: Seabreaths
Red: Firebreaths
Green: Earthbreaths
Yellow/orangey: Sandbreaths )

( The pegasi's territory )

type:Sea breath, warrior
description:Dark blue scales that becomes green on the tail, with a few golden plates on his belly and his neck.
personality: confident, proud, strong, agile, determent, fair,
other: Also known as "dung beetle." by Flame "son of the big one." by his farther, family Sapphire farther the sea breath king , dead mother.
Oooh nice!
Oooo new peoples! She hates Ocean XD
by the way Tara actually hate Ocean, she is in love with Flame
name: Tara
type: half earth breath half sea breath scout
description: emerald skin and moss green eyes, small
personality: shy,hopeful, kind,clever, good at lying,
crush: ocean (love triangle)
name: Flame
Age: 19
type: fire breath king
description: blood red and orange skin, large wings, golden eyes
personality: caring, warm (hah get it), jokester, protective, fierce, hates lies.
crush: Tara
mate/partner: not yet
Oof I feel like this died ;-;
=) Okay, I mean, others can be Darkbreaths too. Only a few, but I wouldn't want Noctis and Luna to be the only Darkbreaths. (And yes, I know what ostracized means. It is kind of liked being snubbed.)
xD yep
Oh. I must just be smart then.... lucky me... x sighs x
some states are behind or above but elementary teachers usually share fgacts and stuff like their own way off taching or your just smart.
Are you sure...? We were jsut tought it at the beginning of the year o-o WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?! AM I SECRETLY A MONSTER!!!! O_O
Im in 7th and i bet ya atleast more than half of my grade would not know that word.
0.0 keyword NOT SIMPLY! xD
x rolls eyes x Ostracized isn't a fancy word! It simply means to be shunned or left out! I thought, considering I'm in fith grade, everyone else would know the word......
cmon no fancy words, playfullly shoves Nightmist
I don't know. Because if you're the only with those kind of characters since they're so rare, I feel like the others might think they're being ostracized...? idk. ;-;
No, there is no Darkbreath's that I know of XD.
his name is Riptide and the picture