Coraleaf isn't at all like me; she's small for her age... not like me.... and timid... i can be, but not as much as her... Her colors, don't match if i was a pegasus. But, obviously, I need your guys' opinions. Mintblizzard is more like me, her colors... not so much, but a lot more than Coraleaf's. I want to change my main OC into a different pegasus and name.
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Yah, i'm Coraleaf, that's why I have Coraleaf beside Dapplefray. X)
Are you coral leaf, or someone else? (Do you have Frayan and jeray?)
If you like Coraleaf as your main OC then keep it! If you don't, i say go for it! For my main OC Riverbreeze:
I didn't take into account my hair color. In my opinion, you can have a main OC that doesn't look like you in the slightest. I think an OC is meant to be an impersonation of what you HOPE or THINK you'd look like if you were really a pegasus living in Anok.
I used two of my fav colors for her wings-purple and sky blue. And then, went from there. Riverbreeze doesn't have a brown mane/tail, but her coat color is a dapple gray and I LOVE dapple grays.
I hope you see where I'm going with this.....You don't need to have an OC that mimics you exactly, but if you want to change it, go ahead!
dont worry i think that change is not bad
Hey, i'm dirty blond haired too! Just call it honey colored! X) Yeah, i'll get used to it! Tho i do feel like i'm abandoning Coraleaf. But she's still a OC that matters to me! X) I still love her!
I was just wanna say; my OC looks like an emo, and even my first one looks like a strange steed -.- They look nothing like me! I’m short, happy, and for GOODNESS SAKES DIRTY BLONDE HAIRED!!! So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t feel insecure if your main O.C. Doesn’t look exactly like you! I don’t mind if you change your name, I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable :/
haha, I'll make sure everyone knows
the best opinion I can give you is do what you want. I wouldn't really mind either way. fi you think you want to change your oc, you can do it :) go WiLd
Cuz I want to change my name, my main OC, cuz Coraleaf isn't the least bit like me.
what opinions do you want exactly?