Guys I have a friend who said he liked me then a week later he said he didn't and started spamming me, I asked him to stop and he said no, I told him to please respect my disision but he said no and he's not being kind, now I don't really want to block his number but he's not respecting me or being kind to me, I don't know what to do I need help he's been my friend for 6 years and I don't want to end our friendship but I will if this keeps up. I haven't talked to him for a while now but I need advice of what I should do next. Any advice guys?
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I Believe you should try and and see what he wants and if you do not like what you hear then either delete his number or block him
I have a question...have you asked him WHY he's being mean? Because if should ask him.
I don't think you should block him. But you should tell him he's being a jerk, and that he's super annoying. If he stops annoying then BOOM problem solved, but if not, spam him instead. And keep spamming him until he stops being annoying, and then you turn into the annoying one, and then he realizes what a JERK he is. And then friendship. Believe me, it actually might work. Also, the reason he's not being kind to you is because he still likes you. So he's trying to act cool. That's what guys do after they deny that they like me. It's it works I guess. Also, if YOU like him, you should tell him, or even if you USED TO like him. And then....just things start getting better. I hope this helps.
I agree with Riverglade
sorry I can’t help more
My advice is to block him...or at least let him know you WILL block him if he doesn't start respecting you. Sorry if this doesn't help, but it's the best advice I've got...
I say block him. Even if you have been friends for a long time, he has no right to treat you like that. If he's not respecting you and is acting like a jerk, then block him. Maybe check in a few months to see if he's changed. I can't speak from experience, I've never had this happen to me so sorry if this doesn't make sense. I get that you don't want to end the friendship, I would probably be the same way if this happened to me, but he should not be treating you like that if he truly cares about you.
I hope this helps : )
I'm sorry I don't have much advice for you, I have never had a problem anything like this. I would ask him one more time and if he doesn't stop talk to your parents or just block him. I understand you not wanting to end your friendship, but if he is not being kind and won't be nice after you've talked to him... I don't see any point in continuing.
Anyone? No? Okay then, this post is totally useless if there's no advice