Its 11:52 pm here and I'm waiting for some teenagers to come and spray paint and mess around with peoples houses. My brother and I are staying up late to keep our house safe. We have frozen paintballs, sling shots to through the paintballs with, and my brother has an ax handle. Who thinks we are well prepared?
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Same with my mom. Her brother also had to walk her down the aisle.
Wispi I didn’t get to meet my Grandpa either cuz he died right before my parents’ wedding so my mom got walked down the aisle with her brother, and both my grandmas have died already, so i only got a grandpa left. But here’s my familys’ birthdays:
Me and my two younger sisters’: March
My older sister and my youngest sister: November
Mom: July
Dad: October
They are, but their my brothers. I grew up with them and love them. They used to always get into trouble and now I'm learning from their mistakes. I used to say I wouldn't miss them when they moved out but whenever I think about them I almost ball my eyes out completely.
I thought you said they were mean to you
Yeah, they will be 19 in February. I really miss them.
You have twin brothers!??!!
Eh I don't care
And lol I didn't mean you had to share everyone in your families birthdays, just yours.
Ikr? I didn't get to meet the one on my moms side because he died just before my mom and dad's wedding..
That's stinks, grandpas a awesome
Heres the months for my family:
My twin brothers: February
Dad: April
Mom: September
My cousin: September
My Brother, My Aunt, My Grandma, and Me: November
I don't know either of my grandpas because they left my mom and dads life's years ago.
I don't really want to give the exact dates, but here are the months:
Me: January
Sister: December
Dad: February
Mom: July
Cat (Bella): April
Grandmom: November (you already know that one)
Grandpop: April
Can I have all your birthdays?
I will wispi and happy birthday pananah
Wow! Good for you pananah!!! And tell your grandmother I said congratulations on her Birthday, some people's grandmother's don't live as long...
or november 7?
November eighth? That's my grandmother's birthday! She's turning either 72 or 73
15 days now!!! I cant wait for my b-day!!!!🎉🎉
Yep I'm 10, Ill be 11 in 16 days though
I think she said she's 10