@Stormsun Jeez! I love your new avatar, but I was scrolling through and I didn't register the fact you probably changed your avatar and I thought you were someone new lol. I love the new avatar though!!!!
Also, has anyone ever realized there's a typo in Starfire? #Monringleaf! I love the name!!! Hehe
I'm weird. I have a dog stuffed animal valentine's thing just sitting on my lap...
I yes types Ilove seeing those
I found it too!!!! I love typos in books a little bit too much XD they're hilarious
Leaving for like 30 minutes, everyone.............................................................................................................
Oh sorry :(
I was taking a bath last night (reading, DUH) and I did that one thing where you think you read it wrong, so you re-read it, and then boom. You find a typo.
XDDD Yepper yup
Also, huh!
I never noticed that typo!