So I have been playing a game called horse haven for a few months. I loved plying it so far, but one thing that bothers me, is the fact that I don't like many of the preprogramed names that come with the game, and I also can't think of any names that I think will suite my horses. Right now I have two horses that are giving me a lot of name hassle. The first one is Mahir who is my tier 3 Gelderland stallion, here's his picture:

The second one is Edda, my tier 3 Missouri Fox Trotter mare, I couldn't find a full body picture of her so here's her head shot:

If any of you have name suggestions that would be really helpful, I will be going through in a few days and picking my favorite names for both horses and then I will create a separate post so we can vote
I like creating nam s
I play that game. I have my merens tier 3 and I have working on getting tier 2 wumburs.
Oh. Sorry
Cloudjumper? Or Skydancer? Ooh Sunset? Sunrise? I dunno. I just like those names.
Cloud runner for the first one
Oh.... That's sad. I'm sorry for you Dragon because I still love the game. One time my brother got the game on the same account as me (our dad's) and I had t start all over because the save data was lost.....
Congratulations on getting tier 3s! I have two tier 3s so far, and I'm so happy XD.
at the barn I ride at there used to be a gelding that looks just like Mahir . Heres the pictrue. His name was Tundra.
Wow, at the place I take lessons pretty much only has beginner horses, so no stallions
Mojo is just a gelding, but at my old barn they had 3 stallions.
These are my top 2 of the ones i suggested:
Axel and Hazel
........... wait, you guys probabley already saw that..oops!
I have 3 teir 3 Missouri Fox Trotters who I named Zap, Mountains and Dream, if that helps any. Maybe Ghost and Brook?
and Jess I like all of those suggestions
I think Jess means that Mojo looks like your stallion Mahir, not that Mojo actually is a stallion, but I could be wrong
I've never seen a stallion, is Mojo crazy?
You'll probably think this is a stupid name, but there is a horse at the barn I ride at that looks like your stallion who is named Mojo. Maybe Whirlwind? Champion?
For the mare maybe Magic? Holly? Lacy?(another barn horse name)
All the breeds in horse haven have three tiers, the higher the number the more powerful the horse gets
what does tier 3 mean?
Never mind