(I might delete this post later, depending on stuff) gods I don't know WHY I'm writing this rn, I'm literally gonna start crying again. all right, Imma just rip the bandaid off and get on with it. We had to put Oliver down today. for those new peeps who might not have been introduced to him, this is Oliver, one of my dogs:

He's the white one in the center. The other two on the right are Gretchen (the one right next to him) and Sadie (the little brown one in the back.) Oliver (non non no don't you DARE start crying again, I can't handle talking about him in past tense yet nonononono) (ok I'm sorry I'm just gonna do it present tense because it hurts to much to do the other one)) He's (GAH Neither of them feel right) 14 years old, and was the first dog I've lost. He was the second one my family adopted since I was born (the first was Sadie, she's still alive thank god)
I can barely handle typing anymore without getting close to crying again, so I'm just gonna say that he and my older brother had the most incredible bond, and it's really hard to think about him.... gone.
er.... yeah so a heads up that I'll prob either not be on much/at all, or on much more if I need a distraction..... (a lot of you guys know I hadn't cried in like three years, welp, good to know I still have tear ducts I guess.)
I am so sorry, Glade. I haven't lost a dog but my dog is going through some pretty bad stuff. But I hope you know he's in good hands (bc he's in doggy Heaven) and he lived a happy life thanks to you and your family. I get this is hard, but just know that I'm here for you if you need any distraction or anything! Love you, Glade!
I know you're taking a break, but I'll still write this so you have something to smile to when you come back.
I gotta say, Oliver is really cute. (Sorry, just realized that could make things worse for you...)
Losing the ones you love is harrrrrd. I have never lost a pet that I was close to, (Unless you count Tony. Our past gerbil. He was Henry's brother. He and I weren't close, but it still hurt a little when he passed. ๐ข) so I guess I can't really relate. at least not yet. My Henry is getting old in years and we're getting closer... (Oh no...) But I can say that Oliver is in a better place right now. I promise you that. I bet he is even running around your house right now playing with other dogs, or watching over your family. (Might sound weird, but trust me. This has happened before)
I lost my Grandpa a couple years ago. Not a pet, but this was the hardest to go through. I know what that is like at least. I wish I tried to learn more about him before he qraduated to the next life. But I do know he is happy right now. (He has visited my sister and aunt. So that's a fun story. ๐
I hope you feel better soon! Oliver will be loved and missed, but he is in better hands and will be very well cared for.
Fly straight and find your rest. Iแธฟ so sorry that happened... and like everyone else said we are here for you no matter what!
Fly straight and find your rest, Oliver. We are here for you. It might make you feel better to make him into a pegasus, one that you can act out, so that he can live on, but that it all up to you. I can always find a special place for him in Shattered Peace if you would like.
Oh River, I am so sorry!!!
He will always have a special place! I hope you feel better. Ill be praying for you!
Oh no...
I'm so very, very, VERY sorry to hear about Oliver, River. Take all the time you need to heal from this, we'll always be here for you. If you don't want to be on for a while, that's totally fine, if you want to be here all the time, that's completely fine too! We're your Guardian Herd, we'll stick by you. If you need to talk, don't hesitate to try and find me (I'm not on QUITE as much as @Firesong on here, but I have a Wattpad if you want to talk to me there). Just know that I'll be praying for you and your family.
May the wind remain strong beneath your wings,
I'm so sorry River! I know that doesn't help at all. *Hugs* I have never had a dog...had a goat kind of for a short period of time...she passed and that was really hard so I can't really imagine what you (And your brother and family) are going through right now. Oliver sounds like an amazing doggo! I have heard of him a time or two or however many times I heard of him, and he always made me smile.
You take as much time as you need. Be one here every second of every day or, don't be on at all. Whatever you need. I'm sure you will be able to find me around if you need someone to talk to. And tear ducts may be important. Not sure though.
*SENDING ALL THE HUGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY* Apparently very aggressively.
i feel so bad! walk straight and find your rest oliver!