Hi everyone, my grandmother is, as of today, 72 YEARS OLD!!!!!!! She also made it through breast cancer treatment and is getting a hip replacement!! She is getting up there but still attacks the world every day with a tired but happy face!! YYAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

It’s ok
oh, sorry again
That’s sad, but good thing you have three still. I have one Grandpa left, both grandmas died and my mom’s dad died before she was married to my dad, so I never got to meet him
yeah, my mom was really sad but I actually didn't know him that well
so I have three grandparents still living
That stinks!
sorry and thanks, my mom's dad (this grandmother is my dad's mom) died a few years ago due to kidney failure and a whole bunch of other stuff at once
Both my grandma’s are gone.. one died from unknown cancer and the other heart problems.. but happy birthday to her!
twice? good for her!! and sorry about the other one
One of my Grandmas beat breast cancer twice, but the other Grandma died of kidney cancer (I think that what it was)
Happy birthday Flamefrost's Grandma!!
This website is cool for getting precise about your age: http://jalu.ch/coding/days/en