So I went shopping today and I had to go in and order a milkshake, I asked this dumb question and then I went to this other store and checked-out something I did not mean to get so I had to call the lady over then when my little brother checks-out he buys three of something that he only had money for two so I had to call the lady over again! I am very shy, scared, and embarrassed when it comes to talking to people cause I say the wrong thing, ask dumb questions, and buy the wrong things. Are you guys finding yourselves in situations like mine? Please tell me, I feel like I'm the only one who does these wrong things 😣
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I used to be so very very uncomfortable when I had to even look at a stranger, and talking to them was my nightmare. I remember the first time i had to order something on my own, i stuttered, ordered the wrong thing and the person could barely hear me when i tried to change it. (I rolled with what i ordered the first time)
After that experience I was like, "I am never ordering anything again," But I knew that was impractical, so I learned a few small tricks.
rehearse what you are going to say before you actually get to the front to say it. That way, your brain already has a good idea before it wants to blank on you as to what the prices are and the foods you are ordering.
For the first few times, you can keep your eyes on the menu, reading the order off of it, or keep your eyes on the cash register as if you are checking the price (Most of the ones i have seen have a screen that shows the price on the other side) This keeps you looking like you are doing something without the pressure of looking up at the person who is taking your order.
Remember that no one is perfect, and we have all done it. The chances are they have done it themselves and are very used to us shy kids.
Make sure to speak up! I know that when I am uncomfortable, my voice like to leave me, but if they can't hear you, you either have to repeat yourself over and over, or they guess and you don't get what you wanted and have to reproach them tell them so. No one can read our lips any more (Due to masks...) So now they really rely on our voices.
if you act confident, sometime your mind will follow. As in you force yourself to look and act confident. Sometimes it sends a signal to your brain and then you suddenly are more confident then before.
Also, yes. This is something i have dealt with in the past, but with time, it gets easier!
I'm not to bad about, well, not speaking up. But sometimes I just don't for idk whatever reason. One time, me and Skyberry went to the mall (her mom dropped us off we were just hanging out for an hour and stuff), and we were getting fries. Now, I love my ketchup. We ordered a side of fries, but it was HUGE. Ya know those to-go sized boxes? Probably? Well, it was that size, but maybe bigger. We needed a lot of ketchup.
So Skyberry asked me to ask the dude for more ketchup. And he gave us a buncha those lil packs, and told us not to finish it all today. But we did. And we needed more. YEAH, THAT MANY FRIES. But I was to shy to ask the guy again, especially since he said we should probably NOT finish that day, let alone need more.
Anyway, me and Skyberry ended up getting Panda Express afterwards because we were still hungry (it was past lunch time for us, like, around 3:00). Anyway, when her mom picked us up and when we got home, me and Skyberry collapsed on her bed and burst out laughing. It was a fun night XDD
Oh geeze, but good on you for having to guts to actually doing something about it. I would have probably just went with it and not done anything. This seems to happen a lot to people (especially when you're not used to doing that sort of thing), and really the only fix (at least for me) is to just keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone by doing things like this so you can get more used to it. And just remember that when things don't go smoothly that the person you're talking to has probably had similar exchanges with different people probably dozens of times a day and so they likely won't even remember it.
At least you're able to actually talk to people! XD I do the exact same thing around people. Once I was at a grocery store with a friend and she just walked up to someone and ordered a drink like it was the easiest thing in the world! I was honestly so surprised and I remember actually ASKING her how she was able to do that XDDDD so you're definitely not alone with this stuff XD
no not at all! I do stuff like that all the time~ and espically with PHONE CALLS!