This puppy acts like a demon in his crate, he barks and howls and cries. He barked for 30 minutes fell asleep for 2 hours woke me up at 3am took him potty, put him back in the crate, he barked and howled till 5am then fell asleep in his crate, and did it all over again at 7am.
Motherhood is hard!
(I just had to vent, sorry!)
Oof, I never really had to deal with waking up to my dogs in their crates, if we even put them in there!! XD Though we don't anymore.... I used to just stay up so late that I would fall asleep and not be woken up by anything until like my mom coming in to wake me up for school!! And then I would get a goods night rest the next day cause I would be so tired that it wouldn't matter!! and then I just sorta always repeated that process! XD
That’s the thing with puppys they are cute but sometimes they are annoying.
Puppy puppy. He seems so cute, though not as fun at night :( I hope he gets better😊
He smells SO good! I love the puppy smell. And the sleeping puppy noises, I REALLY do love him
AWWWW, poor baby! He'll get used to his crate soon (hopefully XD) He sounds AMAZING in the day!
Aww!!! He sounds adorable <3 Can we see a picture?
Aw, I hate getting woken up in the middle of the night too (I'm a night owl), but as he gets older he won't do that as much, right? And isn't he too sweet in the day?