A few hundred years after Nightwing's death, River Herd is still standing, even after there leaders, Star and Morningleaf, have passed on. They live by Crabwing's Bay and feed on the sea kelp, the leaves of the trees, and the grass that can be found a mile or so away from the bay. They have also learned to collect seeds and plant trees, which is very helpful, for now they have plenty of food.
In Northern Anok though, the Ice Warriors are NOT thriving. Their foals are skinny and weak, and some have died due to the cold weather and small amounts of food. They are all weak and scared.
And worse, a terrible plague is spreading, known as the Cold Stab. The Cold Stab is a contagious plague that spreads quickly. When a pegasus has the plague, they feel cold shivers run through them every hour or so. It makes them weak, and they feel constant pain in there body.
They have no one to heal them, not even Riversun, who had been killed days before her first birthday, reason unknown.
Besides all this, pegasi in River Herd are boiling with anger. They accused their overstallion that it was his fault the plague was spreading so fast, when really it was Silver Herd's (Ice Warriors) fault.
Silver Herd had attacked only a moon or so ago, and ever since, River Herd's steeds have gotten sick.
The overstallion of Silver Herd wants to make peace with River Herd, but the River Herd overstallion is not having it.
Anok is a mess, a crashed party, and everyone feels hopeless. How will they survive this catastrophe? Can they?
River Herd is much bigger then Silver Herd, and they are thriving. Silver Herd is starting to get scared, and they are starving. They had attacked River Herd because they are hungry, need land, need foals, and everything. River Herd drove them out and ever since River Herd has been sick with the Plague, along with Silver Herd. Silver Herd is scared because they think River Herd will end them, so they want to make peace. River Herd doesn't. Basically, both the Herds aren't evil, but they aren't good. They both have their reasons. Do not think Silver Herd is evil because they are descendants of Ice Warriors. They aren't. But that doesn't mean they're good.
LETS GET THIS THING STARTED!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!! Go to the character page so you can remember which characters you have XD
Blackweb grazing and wondering about her lost mate
New Part:
He growled, but didn't comment at all.
(Ah the replies are so quick and shooort) Violetfeather would look over her shoulder before quickly turning around, with her legs braced against her to keep her body stable as she bellowed a loud, shrilling whinny of alarm, in hopes that some steed from nearby in River Herd might hear her squeals. "INTRUDER!!!" (Where's my dice? *Shuffles through the toy box.*)
"Uh huh. Probably. I mean, I didn't realize you were a foal until a few mins ago." She glared. "Your Herd must treat everyone terribly." She shook her head. "Pure torture." She clucked her tongue.
He used his free wing to back wing Aquatree across the face, "My herd NEEDS foals." He snapped.
(Imma go get lunch, brb)
She put a wing over her mouth to keep from laughing at Aquatree's comment.
"Why do you even want me? You know my wings are small, right? Or are you half blind?" She hissed. "I wouldn't be surprise. You're so hairy."
(I find it funny that whenever someone is captured or kidnapped, they yell let me go, even though the capture isn't going to. I get WHY they do it, but as a reader it's kinda funny)
"No!" He growled, dragging Aquatree along, "We need to hurry! And I cannot risk you getting away!"
She struggled. "Let me go! My friends need me!"
(IM BACK! Summary? Sry, there was a Melly moment in Pegasi and Centaurs)
She gently squeezed Duskheart reassuringly. It didn't even cross her mind to tell Adderheart that their parents were the overstallion and lead mare, and that it would be smart to let them go.
He snorted, "I am Adderheart of Silver Herd!" He growled, not saying any more.
Violetfeather would then looked over to the steed trying to herd her away, "Wait, who are you? I thought you were one of my friends!" the filly exclaimed, looking rather defensive.
She whimpered, terrified and scared.
She helped Duskheart walk forward, whilst shooting Adderheart death glares behind his back.
(Adderheart better be scared, NO ONE hurts her little sister without paying XD)
"Hurry!" He nickered, herding the three to the forest while simultaneously dragging Aquatree along.