A few hundred years after Nightwing's death, River Herd is still standing, even after there leaders, Star and Morningleaf, have passed on. They live by Crabwing's Bay and feed on the sea kelp, the leaves of the trees, and the grass that can be found a mile or so away from the bay. They have also learned to collect seeds and plant trees, which is very helpful, for now they have plenty of food.
In Northern Anok though, the Ice Warriors are NOT thriving. Their foals are skinny and weak, and some have died due to the cold weather and small amounts of food. They are all weak and scared.
And worse, a terrible plague is spreading, known as the Cold Stab. The Cold Stab is a contagious plague that spreads quickly. When a pegasus has the plague, they feel cold shivers run through them every hour or so. It makes them weak, and they feel constant pain in there body.
They have no one to heal them, not even Riversun, who had been killed days before her first birthday, reason unknown.
Besides all this, pegasi in River Herd are boiling with anger. They accused their overstallion that it was his fault the plague was spreading so fast, when really it was Silver Herd's (Ice Warriors) fault.
Silver Herd had attacked only a moon or so ago, and ever since River Herd's steeds have gotten sick.
The overstallion of Silver Herd wants to make peace with River Herd, but the River Herd overstallion is not having it.
Anok is a mess, a crashed party, and everyone feels hopeless. How will they survive this catastrophe? Can they?
You can not have more then two OCs sick with the Cold Stab
Remember to say if the pegasus is sick or not in the "Other"
Ask before you make the overstallions/leadmares
Be nice! Include others!
Try not to make to many characters all at once
There should be more pegasi in River Herd then Silver Herd
I'm REALLY excited about this RP! I was thinking it could sorta be a mystery of some sort... yeah. I hope this RP doesn't die, but I understand if you are busy and everything. I will make sure to make new parts often so that you can sort of refresh and stuff like that :)
Character thing:
Herd (Silver or River Herd?):
Family (can skip):
Description/Picture (or both):
Thank you guys so much, if you join :) I hope you have fun! Love ya! Bye! XD
~Stormsun (seriously though you guys can call me Storm or something)
Silver Herd:
Overstallion: Frostwing (@Morningmist)
Leadmare: Faithcloud (@Stormsun)
Medicine mare: Iceroot (@Riverglade)
Captions: Icefire (@Aspenray )
Stallions: Moonheart (@Iceberry), Ivorydale (@Nightmist)
Mares: Violetshine (@Aspenray ), Starfeather (@Brightriver), Darkberry (@kittycatburmise), Hollymoon (@Riverbreeze)
Yearlings: Cinderfrost (@Cinderfrost (Sunblaze)), Pinebranch (@Stormsun), Proudleap (@Stormsun), Snowfrost (@Skysun)
Weanlings: Lilyhoof (@Hazey), Emberdream (@Brightriver), Bladesky (@Brightriver)
Newborns: Shadefall (@kittycatburmise)
River Herd:
Overstallion: Waspwing (@Stormsun)
Leadmare: Bronzecloud (@Cinderfrost (Sunblaze))
Medicine mare: Sageroot (@Aspenray )
Stallions: Ashbrook (@Brightriver)
Mares: Squirreltail (@Stormsun)
Yearlings: Winterbreeze (@Riverglade), Aquatree (@Stormsun), Sandsong (@Cinderfrost (Sunblaze)), Dusttail (@Cinderfrost (Sunblaze)), Shadowheart (@Cinderfrost (Sunblaze)), Redmoon (@Riverglade), Larkflight (@Morningmist), Oakfall (@Aspenray )
Weanlings: Violetfeather (@xLeadMarex), Duskheart (@Skysun), Nightfeather (@Riverglade)
There is no such thing as paradise. Those fail to accept the truth shall perish eventually.
Violetfeather | Vi-o-let-feh-ther
RPs Involved | Inventory Tracker
○Nickname: N/A
○Age: 1.5, Born Spring ????
•Zodiac: The Gemini
○Gender: Female
○Orientation: Heterosexual
•Status: Single (Open!)
○Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
○Herd: River Herd
○Rank: Yearling
• Jobless (Seeking Battlemare or Lead Mare Mentor)
○Living Arrangements: N/A
○Patron God: The Golden Meadow
○Talents: [Locked]
○Blessings: [Locked]
○Parents: Shrubnose (Battlemare), Opossumfire (Captain)
○Siblings: Open!
○Cousins: Open!
○Children: Open!
○Familiar: [Locked]
○Species: Pegasus
○Build: 12.2hh, stocky weight and bulk
○Wing Color: Violet, White, Navy, and Black
○Accessories & Possessions:
• [Locked]
[ Calculating | Witty | Reliable | Judgemental | Blunt | Stubborn ]
In-RP Onward
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
○ Accepts life for how it is and follows it.
○ Survival of the fittest is what she believes in as there is a lot of evidence pointing to it.
○ Acts on feeling without question; leaps before she thinks. ○ She crushes on a lot of colts and stallions fairly easily. *PLEASE NOTE: Many things here are unavailable due to how rushed I felt when doing this. And some words/names/titles are actually links, click on them!
Name: Ashshine
Gender: mare
Age: 4
Rank: battle mare
Herd: Storm Herd
Backstory: when Storm Herd crossed the Dark Water, her colt's wings gave out and he drowned. Her mate tried to save him, but he drowned too. She is now scared of water.
Crush: none
Mate: dead
Family: dead
Personality: She used to be proud, strong and confident, but after her foal and mate died she became sad, depressed and scared.
Description: dark bay (almost black) mare with silver feathers that fade to grey at the tips, black mane and tail
(Ashshine by Windfeather)
Herd-River herd
Backstory- Blackweb was mated with nighthorn but when they tried to go too river herd even years later nighthorn was killed so she went to river herd to do what they both wanted.
Crush-still needs to get over nighthorn
Personality- sassy, independent, only has few close friends, protective of friends
one from my contest
Name: Sheepfire :)))))))
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Rank: Top-Caption
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Storm Herd...
Backstory: He came to Anok because home in the West was to... easy. But when he arrived at the islands, he started getting worried for his herd. He is now getting ready to leave the island and ACTUALLY go to Anok.
Crush: TBD! Just ask!
Mate: Uhhhh....
Family (can skip): Unknown (Open!)
Personality: Thinks of Storm Herd as his family, acts as if he is the leader though he highly respects both the overstallion and leadmare, humble, good sense of humor, makes pegasi happy, respects his place in Storm Herd, RESPECT. *claps chest*
Description/Picture (or both): Me fuzzy white stallion with milky blue colored feathers with metallic white tips, long flowing white mane and tail, warm brown eyes. Scar on left shoulder. (KINDA like dis...
Other: He is no sick
Quick question: Can pegasi with the Cold Stab actually recover? From everything that I've seen in the RP, everyone who's gotten the sickness has died. Is it possible that they can recover?
Name: Shadefall
Gender: filly
Age: newborn
Rank: newborn
Herd: Silver Herd
Backstory: A few weeks ago, Shadefall’s dam said if she didn’t recover from the Cold Stab, she would kill her herself. She hasn’t recovered yet, and the deadline is tomorrow.
Crush: Open
Mate: none
Family: Open
Personalty: friendly, likes being with others, naive, playful
Description: Silver filly with a mix of red and orange feathers, white mane and tail, one front white sock
Other: She is extremely sick
Name: Her original birth name was Hollygleam, but she changed it to Hollymoon (for reasons that you will find out soon XDD)
Gender: Mare
Age: 6
Rank: Battle mare but also would pass as a spy.
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Silver herd
Crush: TBD but right now, she doesn't have one and she's not looking for one either.
Mate: Umm....No
Family (can skip): Her mother was killed by the Cold Stab, but then her father was killed in the battle against River herd. The only family she's has left is her twin sister. Her twin sister, Willowstar, is the only family she has left and they are incredibly close. To signify their tight bond, they always have each other's feather's weaved into the other one's mane.
Personality: independent, confident, self-reliant, acts like she's invulnerable, mysterious, good at keeping secrets, somewhat odd, indifferent, can be fierce at times, horrible at following orders, impatient, would much rather do a job herself instead of relying on others to do it for her, is slow to trust and/or open up to others.
Description/Picture (or both): Rich, dark dapple grey coat with black mane and tail that fades into white. Looks exactly like the picture below except she has no leg markings. Bright emerald green wings tipped in bright red.
Other: She changed her name from Hollygleam to Hollymoon. (You'll figure out why later) Has a twin sister, Willowstar.
Is it too late for me to join?! I'm still interested!
Name: Ivorydale
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Rank: Under-stallion (regular soldier)
Herd: Silver Herd
Backstory: He was born in Silver Herd before the attack of the Cold Stab. When the attack lead on River Herd was occurring, he was revolting by staying at their territory against the captain’s orders. Now he is considered of a lower rank than all the others for disobeying orders.
Crush: TBD, Just ask lol
Mate: TBD.
Family: They all died from the Cold Stab. He wasn’t infected because he was out on a scouting mission at the time.
Personality: Very loyal, respective, hard to break, hates the Cold Stab, has been toughened by the loss of his entire family. His soon-to-be mate also died with the Cold Stab, so he’s been reluctant towards the idea of a new love.
Description/Picture: Beautiful grey peacock appaloosa stallion with bright blue eyes due to a bald face. His feathers are an attractive ivory edged in a deep midnight blue.
Other: He is not infected with the Cold Stab.
Is it too late to join this? :3
Name: Iceroot
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Rank: Medicine mare
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Silver Herd
Backstory: idk
Crush: OPEN
Mate: OPEN
Family (can skip): meh
Personality: Kind, loves her job, extremely loyal to her herd and friends.
Description/Picture (or both): Dark silver pinto mare with light yellow feathers tipped in pale blue, thin blaze, blue eyes, white mane and tail streaked with silver, three socks.
Other: idk
Name: Emberdream
Gender: Filly
Age: Weanling
Rank: Foal
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Silver Herd
Backstory: None
Crush: Nope
Family (can skip): Starfeather (Dam), Bladesky (Twin brother)
Personality: Making up as I go
Description/Picture (or both): Red roan filly with indigo feathers that fade into jade green. She has a white patch covering her left eye
(Wing color)
Other: Not sick, dud
Name: Bladesky
Gender: Colt
Age: Weanling
Rank: Foal
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Silver Herd
Backstory: None
Crush: Nope
Mate: COLT
Family (can skip): Starfeather (Dam), Emberdream (Twin sister)
Personality: Making up as I go (But a lot like Starfeather)
Description/Picture (or both): Blue roan colt with red feathers that fade into white. He has a wide blaze
Other: Not sick
Name: Darkberry
Gender: mare
Age: 13
Rank: battle mare
Herd: Silver Herd
Backstory: Darkberry’s parents liked Fathcloud much more than her beacause she had one short wing. This darkened her heart. Rumours are around that she plans to kill her sister, but she really plots to turn Frostwing against her.
Personalty: cold, always angry, depressed, defensive about her past
Crush: none
Mate: none
Family: Fathcloud (sister)
Description: buckskin mare with dark purple feathers. One wing is shorter than the other.
Other: she is not sick
Name: Moonheart
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Rank: Stallion
Herd (Silver or River Herd?): Silver Herd
Backstory: Grandson of one of the weanlings who followed Stormtail. Mother died foaling, father died of the Cold Stab.
Crush: TBD
Mate: None yet
Family (can skip): None
Personality: Lonely and sad, his heart is broken and needs to be repaired.
Description/Picture (or both): Silver buckskin stallion with lavender feathers at the mantle fading to white at the ends, black mane and tail, star with blaze, two hind white socks, small black points.
Other: Will become sick with the Cold Stab but not at the start.
Quick question, when are we going to start this??
Can I give Fathcloud a sister?
Here's a finished Snowfrost!!!!
Also, I haven't finished him yet, but I'm working on Snowfrost. I THINK I'm starting to figure out dapples...XD